Start from the beginning

Mr. K's laughter echoed through the room, a cacophony of mockery and disdain. With a vicious snarl, Vinnie stepped forward, delivering a brutal blow to X's already battered form. Pain exploded in X's mind, white-hot and blinding, as he gritted his teeth against the agony.


The tension hung heavy in the air as the members of the company gathered in the upstairs living room by the kitchen, their expressions drawn with concern and shock. Raymond, stood at the forefront, his voice steady but grave as he addressed the group.

"We all need to go there," Raymond stated firmly, his gaze sweeping over the assembled faces. "But Yuno, you need to stay here. X will kill everyone if he finds out we took you to the shootout scene."

Yuno's heart sank at the words, his mind racing with fear for X's safety. "But I need to go to X," he protested, his voice trembling with urgency. "I need to make sure he's okay."

Raymond's expression softened, understanding flickering in his eyes. "I know, Yuno," he said gently, placing a reassuring hand on Yuno's shoulder. "But right now, this is the safest option for all of us. We can't risk X's wrath if he discovers you were there."

Yuno's heart sank at the words, a mix of fear and frustration knotting in his chest. He wanted nothing more than to stand by X's side, to support him in whatever way he could. He knew the risks, but didn't care about the danger.

'Raymond please, Benji please, Mickey.... Someone say something to him.'

Benji decides with a heavy heart, he knows Yuno won't stop protesting, he orders the interns to lock Yuno in the bedroom. 

As Raymond and Benji gave his orders, the interns sprang into action, their movements swift and efficient. Two of them were tasked with guarding the front gates, their expressions steely as they prepared for whatever lay ahead. Two of them locked Yuno up and returned to go to the shootout.

Turning his attention to Breckers, Raymond's voice softened, a hint of concern creeping into his words. "Stay home and take care of Yuno," he instructed, his gaze unwavering. "Give him everything he needs."

Breckers nodded solemnly, a sense of responsibility settling over him like a heavy cloak. He understood his role, the need to protect Yuno at all costs.


X hung suspended from chains, his body battered and bruised from the relentless assault. His senses dulled by pain, he struggled to focus, his mind reeling as he surveyed his surroundings. This wasn't the sandy base. He had been moved, taken to some unknown location, far from any familiar territory.

Meanwhile, back at the headquarters, Yuno paced restlessly in the confines of his room, frustration gnawing at his insides as he grappled with his sense of helplessness. He longed to be by X's side, to offer whatever comfort and support he could, but the confines of his situation held him back.

Desperation clawed at Yuno's chest as he turned to the door, he and banged the door and asked Beverly, pleading for release from his confinement. "Please, Beverly," he implored, his voice strained with urgency. "Open the door. I need to do something. I can't just sit here while X is in danger."

But Beverly remained unmoved, his expression stoic as he stood his ground, refusing to yield to Yuno's pleas. Frustration surged through Yuno, mingling with a fierce determination to take action.

As thoughts of X consumed his mind, Yuno's resolve hardened. He couldn't sit idly by any longer. "I need water," he declared suddenly, his voice low but firm. "If something happens to me, think about what X will do to you."

Beverly's eyes widened in alarm at the threat, a flicker of fear crossing his features as he hesitated. Memories of past encounters with X flashed before his eyes, the threat of his wrath all too real. 

With a sense of urgency, Beverly rushed to fulfill Yuno's request, retrieving water and unlocking the door with trembling hands. As the door swung open, Yuno stood there, his rare fierceness blazing in his eyes.

Without a moment's hesitation, Yuno seized a nearby vase and struck Breckers with it, his movements swift but purposeful. "Sorry," he muttered, his voice laced with regret. "But I have to find X. Hopefully, they won't be too mad at you. Rest up."

After slipping out through the back door, Yuno found himself in the shadowy confines of an alleyway in the southside, the cool evening air sending a shiver down his spine. With each step, his senses heightened, every sound amplified in the eerie stillness of the evening.

As he made his way through the labyrinth of alleyways, Yuno's mind raced with worry for X and the others. His heart pounded in his chest, a relentless drumbeat of fear and determination urging him forward.

Suddenly, the murmur of voices reached his ears, drawing him towards a secluded corner of the alley. Peering around the corner, Yuno's eyes widened in alarm as he caught sight of a group of CG drug dealers gathered nearby, their voices hushed but urgent as they exchanged words.

"They've laid the trap for the company boys and interns in Sandy," one of them whispered, his tone filled with a sense of overjoy. "But they've moved X somewhere else. Secret Location."

Yuno's breath caught in his throat at the revelation, his mind reeling with the implications of their words. If X wasn't at the Sandy base, then where could he be? And more importantly, how could Yuno find him before it was too late?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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