Chapter three- Who will dry your eyes when it falls apart?

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" for the time being it is best for the queen to consume light meals such as bone or bean soup-"

" when will she be able to walk again" Amanda interrupted the maester of dragonstone, Maester Geradys. After being convinced by her sister to at least let a maesters examine her health, Aemma had demanded the current maester of Dragonstone to care for her as she didn't trust the grand maester to be even near her, though she didn't remember where his loyalties lies, her feelings told her he was trustworthy. During the examination, they had discovered Aemma could no longer walk, though she could somewhat feel her legs, when she tried standing and moving forward she fell and could not move needing the assistance of the maester and her sister to sat her back in her bed.

" If the queen exercise every morrow and moves her legs, I am certain she will be able to move once again. I shall inform the cooks to prepare bone soup for the queen, it is best she has a meal inside her as soon as possible" Geradys answered before bowing ready to leave. He had theorized the reason for the queens condition, is because of her deep slumber and fragile health, her muscles must had weakened greatly along with her fragile health during the six moons of her deep slumber which became the cause the difficulty to walk normally

" bone soup is hardly a meal, I haven't eaten in centuries" Aemma groaned reminding them of her presence, she was starving craving for meat and many cakes, and was too weak that she could no longer be able to simply walk, the combination was simply exhausting for one to carry

" I understand your frustrations your grace, but it is good for your state eating light meals at the time being, but I shall tell the cooks to add extra meat to satisfy your hunger" Geradys attempted to assure her, Aemma simply turned away and sighed giving up the chance to argue

" well then, you may leave"

The maester bowed and left the two women to be, Aemma laid down and pulled her sleeping daughter close to her listening to her breathing and feeling her heartbeat, rhaenyra had fallen asleep after her heartfelt reunion with her mother, after moons of fighting drowsiness it hit her when she embraced her mother

" shall I run you a bath, I can see that you are urging for one" Amanda who sat in the armchair near her sister asked attempting to ease her dark thoughts that lingered. Amanda slightly frown observing her sister, it seemed the light Aemma carried faded long ago, even more so before her slumber.Amanda could see the numbness her sister carried as she caressed her daughters hair with such gentle affection, her appearance was delicate and sickly, her skin was porcelain almost translucent, her hair disheveled and wet, her wrist thin and her cheeks sunken as if she's a starving girl living in flea bottom, she could sense the fear and the betrayal her sister was feeling, the anger that practical oozed from her sunken tired indigo eyes. And yet she still carried an image of a regal queen, Amanda had to admit, the image of Daella Targaryen flash in front of the Arryn woman, Daella so delicate and small, frightened by every littlest thing but yet was so quick to be curious to learn new things, so kind with her gentlest heart, her appearance in her final moments came back in front of the Arryn woman haunting her. But unlike Daella's frightened eyes, Aemma's eyes were lifeless as if she carried no soul

'Damn Viserys' Amanda cursed the king as her anger began to rise as it is no ones fault but her sisters husband the lords of the seven kingdom proclaimed as king

" yes, a bathe is what I desperately need" Aemma agreed with her sister, she needed to clear her head at the moment before jumping straight into her plans. Before her daughter had fallen asleep, Rhaenyra had excitedly informed her of being named heir six moons ago and had the lords of Westeros swore fealty to her, Aemma could see the sense proudness and the feeling of acceptance her daughter felt, it was practically dancing in her amethyst eyes. Despite her return, Rhaenyra being named heir, and the greens existences has yet to be born, though the seeds may have already been planted. Aemma was still wary of the situation, learning it the cruel way Aemma knows lords oath means nothing to them, threats are still lingering around them, who knows maybe her bastard husband is already secretly seeing Alicent Hightower behind the backs of court, from what she could remember they were seeing one another the night of her funeral, who knows maybe Otto Hightower had already whored his daughter out to 'comfort' Viserys during his grief while she was deep in her supposed slumber. Aemma shook her head erasing her thoughts, she can plan later. Amanda ordered the servants to start the queens bath while she prepared her and carry her to her to the water that awaits her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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