Ember willow

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In the quiet hours before dawn in district 12, a child was born amidst the shadows. In that fleeting moment, the world seemed to hold its breath, as if anticipating the ripples of change that would soon follow....

This is where our story begins, in the hushed whispers of a destiny yet to unfold.

Lucy Gray cradled her newborn daughter in her arms, her heart overflowing with a love so fierce it took her breath away.

As she gazed into the tiny face nestled against her chest, she felt a wave of protectiveness wash over her, a primal instinct to shield this precious life from the harshness of the world. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, as mother and daughter forged an unbreakable bond forged in love

Yet, amidst the tender moments of bonding, Lucy Gray couldn't shake the shadow of fear that loomed over them. With each passing day, the specter of President Snow and the ever-present threat of the Hunger Games grew more ominous, casting a dark cloud over their fragile happiness.

Every coo of her daughter was accompanied by a silent prayer for safety, a plea to the heavens to shield them from the cruelty of the Capitol. Lucy Gray knew that her daughter's very existence was a threat to Snow's power, a reminder of the rebellion that simmered just beneath the surface of Panem.

As she held her daughter close, Lucy Gray vowed to do whatever it took to keep her safe, to shield her from the horrors of the Hunger Games and the tyranny of Snow's regime. In that small, dimly lit room, amidst the quiet of the early morning, a mother's love became a shield against the darkness that threatened to consume them both. If it was the last thing she ever did.

Lucy Gray cradled her newborn daughter, her voice a gentle melody as she sang a lullaby passed down through generations. The baby, with her blonde hair and blue eyes, already bore a striking resemblance to Lucy. As they basked in the warmth of their bond, Lucy's cousin, Mude Ivory, entered the room, her presence a comforting embrace in this intimate moment of family.

Mude Ivory's eyes lit up with affection as she approached Lucy and the newborn, her smile radiant with genuine joy. 'She's beautiful,' she whispered, her voice filled with awe. 'She looks just like you, Lucy.'

Lucy's heart swelled with gratitude at her cousin's words. 'Thank you, Mude,' she replied softly, her gaze never leaving her daughter's peaceful face. 'I've been thinking about her name...'

'Have you decided?' Mude Ivory asked, her curiosity piqued.

Lucy hesitated for a moment, savoring the weight of the decision. "Ember willow snow.." she said looking at the young girl, "but for the peacekeepers her last name will be Baird. Coriolanus can not find out about her or that I'm even alive.."

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