You are beautiful

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Sweeney glanced at Mrs. Lovett who nodded her head and he knocked on the door. "Lamb, can we come in?" He asked softly and there was a sniffle. They glanced at each other again, their hearts dropping. Why was she crying? Was everything alright? Didn't sound like it was.

"Y-yes..." was all she said and Sweeney slowly opened the door, walking in with his wife. Melanie was laying in her bed, curled up on her side with tears staining her cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy, her arm draped over her waist. She looked really upset, but why? Finding the razor could wait. Right now, she was more important.

"Oh love, what's got you so down?" Nellie said softly as she knelt down in front of her, placing a hand on her cheek. Melanie didn't answer as more tears silently fell down her cheeks. She shifted slightly, and Sweeney noticed something red on her wrist. He knelt down beside Nellie and before he could reach for her wrist, she pulled back and curled up even tighter, holding her hand to her chest. 

"N-no... I-I don't want you to see..." She sobbed silently, the concern now clearly evident in her parents eyes. Sweeney brushed a strand of hair out of her face, his fingertips tracing her forehead. 

"Honey, you're scaring us... please let me see your arm." He spoke quietly and she sniffled, her hands beginning to shake. But she listened to her father and she slowly extended her hand out to him. As he took it into his hands, he pulled back the sleeve of her silky robe and his eyes widened in horror. Littered on her arm, were red cuts, with dried blood covering them. Mrs. Lovett covered her mouth in shock, her eyes welling up. What did she do to herself? 

"I'm u-ugly daddy... I am absolutely ugly..." she cried as Sweeney very gently ran his hand over the cuts, which made her hiss, since they still stung. Sweeney reached forward and cupped his face in her hands, using his thumbs to try and wipe away her tears, but they just kept falling. 

"You are not ugly, dove. Not at all. You are absolutely beautiful, and I don't know why you think you aren't. Why did you do this yourself? Did someone say something to you?" He asked and she covered her arm with her sleeve, her body trembling with fear. She knew her parents were trying their best to console her, but remembering what was said to her, it was awful. Mrs. Lovett quickly left the room, then came back with a rag dipped in cold water. She knelt down and gently took her arm in her hands and dabbed the cuts with the rag. Melanie tried not to coil back, but again, the cuts stung, even though they were no longer bleeding.

"No, n-no one said anything to me. I just look at myself in the mirror, a-and... I just feel ugly. I don't think I am pretty like the girls I see walking through town, or like I am worthy of being loved..." she trailed off as she reached under her pillow, pulling out the missing razor, which now had dried blood on it. But Sweeney didn't care about that. It could easily be cleaned up, and right now, his daughter was the priority. Always has been, and always will be. 

"I- I took your razor when you two went to the market... I just couldn't take it anymore... the pain was too much... I am so sorry..." She choked on her tears and Sweeney carefully took the razor from her hands before sliding it into his holster clipped to his belt, and sat down on the edge of the bed. 

"Come here, my love..." he whispered and Melanie slowly sat up in bed, Sweeney wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to his chest. Nellie sat down on the opposite side of her daughter, and ran her fingers through her hair, her other hand reaching down and holding Melanie's. 

"You have nothing to apologize for, dearie. You were hurting emotionally, and that breaks my heart. You are a wonderful, beautiful, smart young woman and you are our daughter. Were you afraid to come tell us how you were feeling?" Nellie asked and Melanie nodded. Sweeney kept her in his arms as he looked down at her, pressing his lips to her forehead. 

"Mel, don't be afraid to tell us how you are feeling. As your parents, we want the best for you and we want you to feel loved. You mean the absolute world to us, you're our little girl. Your heart is pure, you are beautiful both inside and outside. Seeing those cuts on your arm, that absolutely tears me apart." Now Sweeney's eyes were filling with tears, a couple managing to escape and fall down his cheeks. Melanie hugged him tightly as she buried her face in his chest, shaking in his arms. 

"D-don't cry... I-I'm so sorry I took your razor and got blood on it..." She cried and Sweeney looked down at her, taking her face in his hands and looking into her eyes. 

"Baby girl, blood on my razor is the least of my worries. It is easily fixable. But right now, I want you to stop saying you're ugly. I want you to feel loved, to feel that you are beautiful, just like your mother and I want you to stop being so hard on yourself. Can you do that for us?" He asked and Melanie sniffled, moving her face from his chest and resting her head against his shoulder. She slowly nodded her head, and Sweeney kissed her forehead, letting it linger. 

"That's our girl. We will help you get through this, I promise. You. are. beautiful." Nellie smiled through tears and Melanie squeezed her hand, closing her eyes as they embraced each other. Melanie harming herself was a one time thing. She would not do it again, not now, not ever. She knew her parents meant what they said and it would take her time to believe it herself. 

But she would try. Not just for her parents, but for herself. She was beautiful. In every way possible. 

Hi guys! I know this one is a little short and I know this one is a little triggering. So I am in need of some fluff. If you guys have any requests, feel free to message me! I am trying to get into writing more often!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 18 ⏰

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