shut me down, not out

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"Jesus, Richie!" Eddie exclaimed as Richie was crawling through his window unannounced in the middle of the night. "What the hell are you doing?" 

"What does it look like?" He replied smartly and shut the window. "Are you dodging my calls?" 

"No," Eddie looked away, avoiding eye contact is a clear indicator of lying, Eddie had told Richie that. 

"Liar. Why? Did I do something?" Richie sat on his best friends bed. 

"No. I just haven't felt good." 

"Why didn't you just answer the phone and tell me that?" Richie looked at him with genuine concern. Eddie seemed to be in a mood, but he didn't know why. 

"Why does it matter?" Eddie snapped back. Yeah. He was definitely in a mood. 

"Okay what's up with you? You gonna make me guess, eds?" Richie asked with a weary smile. 

"Can't you just go away? You don't need to be crawling through my window just because I ignored a couple calls." 

Richie frowned, not sure how to take that. He was unfamiliar with the mood Eddie was giving off. It wasn't his 'I'm annoyed with Richie, but in a joking way and I'm smiling anyways' mood. It was just 'I'm annoyed with Richie.' But it also wasn't just 'I'm annoyed with Richie, but I'll get over it in a minute.' It seemed to be, 'I'm really annoyed with Richie. I don't want to look at him.' And Richie had never really seen that before. 

"Why are you being like this? Are you mad at me?" He asked, trying to make eye contact, but Eddie wouldn't budge. 

"Did you not hear me the first time when I asked you to fucking leave?" 


"Don't!" Eddie finally looked at Richie, and there was something in his eyes. Fear? Maybe guilt. Richie knew something was wrong. All he wanted to do was figure it out. He couldn't stand Eddie to be upset. He always had to fix it. Always. 

"What's wrong?" Richie asked softly this time. 

"You're really not gonna let it go?" Eddie sighed. 

Richie shook his head and gave him a guilty smile. 

"Fine." Eddie said and moved closer to Richie. Here it was. Everything that had been making Eddie go crazy. Everything making his brain want to explode. Everything he was trying to avoid, hence avoiding Richie. Everything that was making more anger than usual boil inside his body. 

Richie was just happy Eddie would tell him. He thought maybe it would be about his mom, maybe Henry Bowers, something like that. He would let Eddie tell him about it and then he would cheer him up, like always. That's what best friends do. 

Except this time, his best friend was kissing him. Something Richie saw only in his fondest dreams. He thought he might've been dreaming then. His head became light and he could've sworn he was sitting on a cloud in the sky. 

Eddie pulled away and looked at him, brows furrowed, waiting for a reaction. Waiting for rejection. Waiting for his breaking point. 

Richie just couldn't seem to shake what had just happened. "You," He started. "You were pissy because you wanted to kiss me?" 

"Yes, asshole!" Eddie groaned and looked away from him. "It's been driving me fucking crazy! I don't know what's wrong with me but I kept thinking about it and-" 

Richie kissed Eddie again before he was under the impression that Richie didn't like it. Eddie pulled away, confused, fireworks going off in his stomach and a million voices in his head. 

"You wasted time being a dick to me, I've wanted to kiss you for ages." Richie grinned. 

"You have?" Eddie asked with an unbelievably shocked smile. 

"Yes, idiot." Richie said and smiled hard due to Eddies expression. 

The two had a lot to talk about. What this meant for them. Eddie wasn't sure about anything happening, he just knew he wanted to kiss Richie. He never thought he'd actually do it. Richie was sure about everything. But he also thought he'd never kiss Eddie. Oh well, their love confessions could wait until after a little more kissing. 

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