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To All Of You

Y/n's Pov

I woke up from a good nights sleep to my phone ringing. When I picked it up I saw that it was relatively early to be getting a call from Justin but I answered it anyway.
"Hey justin your up early" I say into the phone but put it on speaker  as I look into my closet to find an outfit for the day.

"Haven't slept yet actually me and Trevor got high as hell and we ended up staying up all night" he laughs at his own words

"I wouldn't except anything less from you too" I say with a smile.

"So uh Dana invited Trevor to the vortex club party tomorrow and she said me and you could come too. So I was just wonderin' if you wanted toooo"

I sit and think for a moment. A vortex party? I haven't been to one since freshman year. The last one I went to was so fucking weird I decided I didn't wanna go back. It's been a while tho so I guess it wouldn't hurt.

"Sure I'll be there" I say simply

"Sweet, cya later" he says and hangs up

I get dressed and do my make up and hair. It was Friday and I had a couple of classes  to attend. I did a little bit of everything at Blackwell. Theater, science, photography, art. But art was what I was best at.

When I got done getting ready I left my dorm room and stepped into the loud hallway.

"Hey y/n so glad you're coming to the party tomorrow!" Dana says to me and I smile and say, "can't wait to be there" and continue walking. I like Dana and always have. I wouldn't say we're friends but we're definitely not enemies. We did theater together and she was super chill.

As I walked by Victoria she gave me her typical dirty look that I got often from her. To be completely honest I don't know why me and Victoria don't get along. She's hated me ever since I got to this school and though I tried to be as nice to her as possible I eventually gave up on that.

I left the dorms and was welcomed with fresh air. I took a deep breath in and began walking to the school building.

When I entered the building students were doing their typical thing. Talking by lockers, messing around, pretending to text so they look busy, or even making out with one another.

As I walked to my locker one of the many missing posters with Rachel Ambers face on it fell infront of me. Which freaked me out in all seriousness, I picked it up for a moment and put it in my bag. Rachel and I were somewhat friends. I was more friends with Chloe tho. After Chloe and Rachel started hanging out Chloe kind of ghosted me.

I got to my locker and put my bag inside and grabbed the items I needed for my classes today. While doing such the owner of the locker beside mine came along.

Nathan Prescott. The king of Blackwell, as his dad basically owns this school. I never thought bad of Nathan and tho he didn't really seem to like me I still tried my best to treat him well. Why? I don't know I guess I just feel like everyone judges him to be some person that he isn't. I knew Nathan back when he wasn't a complete asshole and I think he got so much shit that everyone else is the reason he's a jerk now.

I'm overwhelmed with the smell of cologne and aftershave when he stand beside me opening his locker aggressively. I wonder if I should say anything. I look at him for a moment.

"What the fuck are you looking at bitch?" He says and scoffs and walks away slamming his locker.
I roll my eyes at the dramatic action and walk to class. Mr. Jefferson's photography class. I didn't care for this class I thought it was boring and photography wasn't my strong suit. Unlike people like Max Caulfield and Nathan Prescott who were both very talented when it came to a camera.

When I walk into class I sit in my usually spot. I sit alone behind Kate Marsh. She's a nice girl and I'd consider her to be a friend.

"Hey y/n" she turns and says to me "hey Kate, what's up?" I ask

"Nothing much just trying to get through the day is all" she tells me. "You could say that again."

The bell rings and Jefferson starts his lecture to which I completely ignore and just draw in my sketchbook. I think Mr. Jefferson knew I wasn't into photography but he did get on me sometimes for not paying attention. Luckily for me it wasn't me who he called out today instead it was Max. I didn't really care to listen to the whole conversation but the bell rang and I began to head out until Jefferson said, "y/n I know you don't really care for this class, or photography in general, but I'd really like you to enter a photo for the competition."

"I'll think about it" I say and walk out of the class and head to the next one

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