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POV Lucian

The moment I step into the coffee shop, I spot my agent sitting at a table near a window. He waves me over. I'm kind of surprised that he instantly recognized me despite the cap and sunglasses I'm wearing. I had to sneak out of the stadium nearby, where my teammates are waiting to begin a press conference. I have fifteen minutes at most before someone notices that I'm gone.

"Morning, Kev, looking good," I greet him as he stands up to give me a friendly dab. 

Me?" He laughs. "You're practically glowing under that cap. How do you think I noticed you?"

Kevin is dressed simply in a pristine white button-down shirt and gray slacks, but there's something about the quiet confidence that he exudes that makes more than one woman look toward our table. Not gonna lie, his vague resemblance to Michael B. Jordan also helps.

I place an order to get the same coffee as him. Then we chat politely for a short moment about family before getting down to business. 

"I've compiled a file on Patrick Juste about his recent research on you, and this is what I've gathered so far." Kevin turns his laptop my way, allowing me to scroll through the file on my own. 

Over the next couple of minutes, he catches me up to date with the Patrick Juste situation. 

"I've succeeded at getting in touch with one of his colleagues in the sports programming of the TV station where he works. Based on what they told me, Patrick's endeavors are not tied to the network, which confirms my initial hunch that whatever he's putting together must be for his YouTube show.

Now, I've taken the time to study his channel, and based on his content, I've pointed out similarities. He's started interviewing people from your former university and neighborhood, so I think he's planning to do a series that starts with your upbringing and just who you are as a person. However, his series won't cover only that. 

I've also talked to some of your old university friende about what kind of questions they were asked. And oddly enough, Patrick Juste seemed to be thoroughly interested about the reason why you dropped out of university. This topic came up in all of their interviews. He also seemed curious about a fall-out you had with one of your former classmates. But since both of you left school around the same time, he couldn't gather any information about what happened between you two."

While Kevin continues to speak about his theories of Patrick Juste's possible angles of attack, any shred of optimism that I might have saved evaporates into thin air. This journalist has obviously done his investigation, and based on what I'm looking at, it seems that he's found what he was looking for. 

"That's pretty much all I've gotten so far," Kevin concludes when I'm done scrolling through the transcript of conversation he's had with the people he contacted.

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