Chapter 12

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After Suga and I.N left Nelson's room

Everyone was outside waiting for The boys

Victoria:So how is she

I.N:Well she threw a tray at us and told us to leave

Daniel:(sigh) I give up on that girl

They heard another scream this time from Area's room and not Nelson

Changbin:Why are girls in this family so crazy

The girls glared at him he gulped they rushed over to Area's room there they saw her peacefully arranging her clothes the Knights were annoyed but the Kim's worried

Jimin:Area what happened

Area:Oh nothing

Seungmin:Then why did you scream like that

She just shrugged Kim's were confused while Knights looked at her with murderous looks suddenly the power went out they were all confused they were on 24 hours light so the power could not have been cut the entire room suddenly began to feel cold and the howling of the wind made the atmosphere more scary

???:Really is that all you could do

A/N:Shut up and wait for your turn to appear in the story

???:pfft I don't even want to appear because of how lame this is

A/N:Well this lame story does not need you in this chapter so buzz off

???: Whatever call me when you need me can't wait rile my baby up bye mochi

A/N:Wait that's Jimin not me

But she already left was a duck back to story

Tae:What's wrong with t_th_e power

Although he was a mafia and had a sharp tounge he was scared of the dark

Rm: Calm down I'll go check the power

But being the clumsy cat he was he bumped into poor Bangchan

Bangchan:oww hyung for the sake of our legs I'll go

The wind continued making our poor little Tae more scared he clunge to Bangchan

Tae:Hyung don't leave me

Bangchan:Then how am I supposed to go

J hope:Let's just go together

Han: Agreed

He to was scared they all left Area's bed room they walked slowly towards the stairs so they don't fall they saw some light coming from downstairs they followed it they reached down where they saw Nelson holding a candle and looking at them like she was insane her eyes were dark as she was suffering from blood lust the maknea were a little scared cause the way she was looking at them was enough to make them pee themselves out of fear

???: Ofcourse it would

A/N:Get out

???:Jeez am going am going your no fun

A/N: Don't bring your sorry ass here again till its your turn

???: Hmph vibe killer

A/N:Thanks I know

The power came back now they could see her face clearly there was blood all over it

Aiden: Nel_son w_wh_ats bl_ood _doi_ng _all_ov_er your f_f_ace

He couldn't even call her, her pet name he was terrified to that extent she moved closer to him at the speed of light now they all comfermed she was not normal

Nelson: Aiden you know how much I hate stuttering so why are you doing it

She touched his cheeks he flinged because of how cold her hand were her tone was cold her eyes showed a burning flame so bright it could burn you just by looking at it now he was truly scared he had not seen her eyes like this since the time the incident happened even the cousins were scared the Kim's were unsure but they could sense the change in her aura it was a more dominant one that sends shivers down your spine


Nelson: Don't

The warning in her voice was so clear to Aiden it was obvious this wasn't Nelson when she went into depression her personality split so it was like they were two souls living in one body but that wasn't the case when she came out of depression the other personality left it was still there but it didn't interfere in her life only came out when someone hurt her it had a more dominating aura like the Alpha kind Aiden understood she was his twin after all

Aiden: Where's Nelson

😈:Just fine without you

Aiden:Why are you here

😈:Am here to hurt those who hurt my baby

Area was angry

Area: Another one here to protect Nelson she's a damn leech just leave her the fuck alone

😈: Starting with that one

He lunged at Area tackling her to the ground choking her the others sprung into action Changbin and Jk were trying to pull Him of her as they were the strongest he landed to punches to their faces

😈:Wait your turn

He licked the blood of his fingers while Area was struggling to breathe they were reddish purplelish claw marks on her neck she coughed out blood he only smirked

Hyunjin:Are you crazy

He shrugged he turned back to her he made predotorios steps towards Area Rm and Minho threw two punches at him but he stopped them and twisted their bones surely braking their bones Jin thought it was wise for all of them to attack at once but boy was that a terrible idea they all flew back hitting the wall each if them bleeding in different body parts he made his way closer to Area this time she was actually scared he took down the whole Kim's

Simone: Aiden do something

He ran up infront of him he knew he wouldn't hurt him

😈: Leave my way

Aiden:No I can't let you hurt her

😈:Why do you care weren't you gonna hurt her before

Aiden:Yes but your gonna kill her

😈: Isn't she still going to die if you hurt her so what's the problem


Normally he wouldn't care but this was his baby's brother technically his own also

😈:(sigh) fine

Aiden:Give control back to Nelson

😈:I'll be back

Aiden:Sure you would

He gave control back Nelson regretting his decision but did it anyway

😈:😒 I wonder why

A/N:It's not my fault

Aiden caught Nelson while the rest attended to the injured kim's

End of chapter 13
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