Ember Island: Kyra

Start from the beginning

I watched as Aang quickly left, and I whispered, "Uh Zuko-" He quickly looked at me, "Kyra, that's not true I swear!" I just nodded and stared at the play. I grabbed the ruby necklace around my wrist. Finally intermission came and everyone exited from our seats. "Aang has been gone awhile." Katara said looking back at me. "Yeah I know!! He went to go get me flameo flakes like thirty minutes ago!" Sokka bursted out. Katara gave him a scowl, "Kyra will you go with me to find him." I nodded, "Of course I will." Zuko grabbed my shoulder, "Can I go with you?" I gave him a small smile, "Why don't you stay here in case he comes back." He sighed and put his hand down, "Ok.. I'll stay.." Katara and I split up. I searched through the play's halls when I heard talking from outside. I peeked through to saw Katara and Aang talking. They were facing each other, then abruptly Aang kissed Katara. She pushed him back, "I said I was confused!" She ran out and went back inside. Aang stood there and turned back around to the sun. I sighed and walked up beside him. "Why am I so stupid!" He hit his fist on the rail. "Aang, calm down.. Look your just under a lot of stress right now." He sighed and relaxed his body. He then looked at me, "Kyra? Do you love Zuko?" I shook my head, "Aang, I care for Zuko. Love I am not quite sure yet." He sighed, "Did it bother you when the play showed Katara and Zuko kissing?" I winced at the thought of it, "Aang listen to me," I put my hand on his shoulder, "These plays are toyed with for the fire nation's entertainment. But the truth is, yes it did hurt to see that, but I had to realize even if it did happen.. Zuko cares for me now in the present." He let a tear fall, I pulled him into a tight hug. "Kyra?" he said muffling into my shoulder, "Yes Aang?" He pulled back, "You are an amazing Guide." I smiled, "Thanks little brother, now let's go back to the play.." He sighed as I led the way.

Aang and I finally reached our seats, Aang went and sat down next to Zuko. Katara walked up to me, "Kyra, I wanted to tell you that Zuko and I did not kiss in those catacombs." I smiled, "It's ok if you did, because I know he cares for me now." She sighed, "Katara?" She looked up at me, "Yeah?" I put my hands on her shoulders, "Don't be so hard on Aang, he was just jealous. Plus, he is really sorry about kissing you." I winked at her and sat down in between Zuko and Aang. Katara then went around us and sat next to Zuko. Zuko put his arm around me, "Are you ok?" I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Eww Oogies!" Sokka said with a disgusted face. I pulled back and giggled. Then Suki grabbed his face an kissed him, "How's that for oogies." I giggled at them and looked at Zuko, "Yes I'm ok." He kissed me on the forehead. Then we all turned to watch the ending of the play. I watched as Azula killed my beloved Zuko. Then Ozai killing Aang, my heart literally broke. When the play finally was over we quickly left the building. When walking back, "That was a terrible play, I actually think that was the worst one I have ever witnessed." Zuko said putting his arm around me. "Yep, definitely the worse" . Katara and I said in unison. "Terrible.." Suki said holding Sokka's hand. "The special effects were good.." Sokka said. Toph smiled, "I loved my person!"

We all laughed in unison..

That night I laid in my bed having nightmares. I woke up screaming. Aang, Zuko and Katara came running in. Zuko jumped on the bed and held me close, "What's wrong Kyra?" I let the tears constantly flow from my eyes, "It was just a nightmare." I tried to calm myself down. Katara came over and felt my head, "You feel warm Kyra.. Are you sure your ok?" I look up at her, "Yeah I'm sorry to wake you guys." Aang came over and felt my forehead, "I'll bring some water." He left quickly through the door. Katara looked over at Zuko and then at me, "I'll go get you some dry clothes." I didn't even notice I was covered in sweat. Zuko was still holding me tight. "I'm here Kyra..." He said wiping the sweat off my forehead. "I'm sorry for waking you up.." He kissed my cheek. And then pulled back holding my sweaty face,"Don't worry about me Kyra I'm here to take care of you." I smiled and pulled his hands off my face, "Thanks.." Katara came in with loose sleep wear. "Here I think you will find these more suiting." I smiled, "Could you put them on the dresser." She nodded and did so. Zuko put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. "I can see you are being well taken care of. So I will head back to bed." She giggled and left the room. Aang then appeared with my water. "Here, this should help cool you down." He put the water on my dresser next to the sleep wear, "I'm gonna Uh go.." He started to leave, "Thank you Aang for the water." He turned and smiled at me while leaving.

I turned my attention to Zuko, "Can you hide your face while I get dressed." He chuckled, "Yes I can do that." He lifted the sheet up hiding his face. I smiled and slithered out of the bed. I went over and peeled off the sweaty clothes. And slipped into the see through tank top and red shorts. I looked over at Zuko's covered face. "You can look now." He put down the covers and smiled at me. "Wow.." I jumped on the bed and started to passionately kiss him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me up closer to him. I pulled back and sent air towards the burning candle. The room was pitch black, I got under the covers. He put his arm around me as I pushed my back into his warm body. He kissed my neck and whispered, "Goodnight Queen Kyra." I closed my eyes smiling,"Goodnight Fire Lord Zuko." I heard him chuckle when I fell asleep.

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