Mars must have nodded off because next thing he knew he was being gently shaken awake with a soft voice and the faintly woody smell he knew well. Blinking open bleary eyes he looked up at John through the red hair that had fallen into his face. Stretching his body he felt a sudden rush of cold on his face from untucking his nose. Confused, Mars looked down to realize he had tucked his nose into the warmth and smell of Smitty's hoodie. Yawning his back pops a couple of times before he slides out of the car next to John and places one of his hands on the hood of the car to regain his balance which he so constantly lost. Blinking a couple more times he looks around and sees Smitty with his bags by the front door, waiting for Mars to be awake before going in. Walking up to Smitty Mars goes to take off the other man's hoodie but is stopped by a hand on his head. "Don't worry about it, now that we're living together I get a feeling it'll end up in your laundry anyways."

Mars let go of the hoodie and let it fall back down his body again before slowly nodding. Glancing to his side he sees a smirking John and smacks him in his shoulder with a scowl. "John!" Mars says in slight anger before scoffing and going into the house. Flipping John off in the process for telling Smitty he had a habit of taking John's hoodies when he doesn't have any clean ones and can't find his favourite one because John put it in the wash. Laughing Smitty and John follow behind the still grumpy Mars into the kitchen.

"Making some tea?" Smitty asks, setting his suitcases down and looking over Mars' shoulder.

"No." Mars lies as he grabs his favorite tea from the cabinet. Glaring at John for putting it up so high in the cabinet but Smitty could see why John did it. With the tea like this and with how often he drinks it it's quite literally like seeing Mars stretch after waking up from a nap everyday. Starting the Keurig to make his tea Mars turns around and frowns at John who has conveniently placed himself in front of the cups. Cocking an eyebrow Mars has two options, shove John out of the way or play along with his favourite game of 'piss off Mars for no reason'. Either way John gets what he wants, which is to annoy Mars, so Mars just sighs and decides he'll suck it up and moves next to John, leaning into his side so he can grab one of the cups from the cupboard. John pulls Mars closer to him so Mars has more room to stretch his arm over John. Smitty watches the situation appreciating the sight like he won't be seeing it practically everyday from now on.

After a while Smitty had put the rest of his stuff away in his respective room while Mars was curled up in his own bed to take a nap after offering a million times to help. And then being rejected to help each time because "you've already done so much to help me, Mars, go get some sleep." John was alternating between the balcony, living room and kitchen. Vaping out on the balcony to watching TV in the living room to getting something to eat in the kitchen. Eventually Smitty came out of his new room to see John on the balcony, sucking in the smoke of the vape and then exhaling the haze through his nose and mouth. It created an aura around him that gave him a misty look in the low sun on the horizon. Walking over he starts to smell strawberries and watermelon, John's vape flavor and smell. Smitty tilted his head for many reasons, John didn't like flavoured vapes, John also always smoked in the house and when it was on the balcony he always had the balcony door open. Smitty gently tapped the glass of the framed door to get John's attention. "Hey John, what's up?" Smitty asks, just now realizing how stupid the question may sound without the context that is whirring in his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." After a second he added, almost like he was reading Smitty's mind. "Things have changed with how I vape because Mars is really sensitive to smell and how I used to vape really affected him. He has trauma with cigarettes and the unscented smell of them and hence unflavoured juices for my vape bring up trauma for him and he always starts coughing when I vape in the house so I changed what I do and sucked it up and got used to the taste and smell of the ones that won't trigger his senses and trauma as much." John explained all this while watching the sunset like he has been. Finally he moves so his eyes meet Smitty's with a gentle look. John loved Mars, he had to have loved Mars with how he changed something he never changed for anyone before just so Mars could be comfortable. It made Smitty's heart pound with how endearing that was but also clenched with the fact John loves Mars, which means there's less of a chance that John loves him as well. That thought hurt but seeing the soft look in John's eyes when he talked about Mars made Smitty's heart flutter. They were good for each other, John and Mars, and Smitty would just have to suck it up and real with the fact that they loved each other when he loved them both. A sneeze from behind him broke Smitty out of his thoughts. Looking over his shoulder he sees a sleepy Mars walking over to them, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Mars looked pretty when he was sleepy. With a large, unzipped hoodie that reveals a pale, slightly freckled, upper stomach and chest. The rest of his stomach was covered by the shirts he got during that video call and mismatched fluffy socks that went just above his ankles that were scrunched up due to sleep. Smitty's heart beats faster in appreciation of the sight before he hears the grumbling, sleepy voice of a complaining Mars.

"I fucking hate spring. Stupid pollin being all over the place and stupid unpredictable weather. Ugh." Mars continues to grumble insults to the season as he goes to the kitchen to make coffee to wake him up more before glancing up and noticing Smitty looking at him with soft smiles. Smiling back Mars grabs a cup and a K-cup, placing both objects into the Keurig he hums and starts the machine to make his coffee. Without missing a beat John recites something he's memorized because of living with Mars for so long.

"K-cup of French vanilla coffee, he'll bitch about it not being McDonald's coffee but he loves it either way, in his favourite 14 oz mug but he only fills it up to 12 oz so he can add two oz's of his creamer and then stir it with a plastic spoon because 'i don't wanna do more dishes'." Smitty blinked, eyes glancing at John and then looked back at the K-cups box he had taken said thing out of and saw it was exactly what John said. Mars also was taking out coffee creamer and a plastic spoon. Smitty hummed, looking at the mug and then questioning John about it.

"What's his favorite mug look like?" John glances over at Smitty with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"Easy, it's a golden girls reference. Dorothy in a street, Blanch in the sheets. Golden girls is one of the only positive memories he has with his mother before she went psycho. Ask me something harder about him." Smitty blinks in disbelief, he knew John knew Mars but he didn't know he knew Mars this well. Sure, this was simple information but it was still incredible he remembered it by heart. Smitty nodded slowly and then looked back at Mars who was now blowing gently on the steaming hot coffee in his hand, the coffee being in the exact same mug John said it would be in. Smitty couldn't help but wonder if John was gonna memorize him like he memorized Mars.


Y'ALL- I DID IT 😭 finally done with this stupid chapter :/. Why do I always have to take so long to make these dumb chapters istfg. Ugh. Anyways, see you in Pt. 3 Schatzen!!

him and his shitty red nail polishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora