Pt. 1

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I'm a liar, my OC's name is Mars :,]! And his eyes are different, I couldn't find any references so I had to make my own, bare with me. 😭 I suck at digital art.

--------------------------------------------------Chipped, cracked, ruined, drunkenly applied

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Chipped, cracked, ruined, drunkenly applied. That's how I would describe his nails. Painted a vivid red colour that matches his hair when it's fresh. He had his earbuds in as he lay on the dewey grass. The crickets give the scene a sense of peace as he looks up at the sky, lips cracked and drying due to the over application of lip gloss to them. He was something from a dream. John couldn't help but find him attractive. the boy in front of him, Mars, as he liked to be called, was captivating the poor man in a head lock of obsession. The worst part? Mars was John's roommate. They had lived together for a couple of months before John caught feelings for his roommate. He was snapped out of his entranced daze when he heard the silky voice of the man he was admiring.

"John~ earth to John." Mars called, waving a hand in front of Johns face with a cocked eyebrow that tugged at the piercing there. John shook his head and blinked a couple of times, pushing the shaggy light brunette bangs of his mullet styled hair out of his face.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here. What's up Mars?" He asks, tilting his head with a questioning face as Mars smiled up at him. Protruding, sharp canines pushing his upper lip as he smiled and the piercing through his bottom one became more prominent as he smiled.

"You were zoning dude, I just wanted to know what was happening in that head of yours." Mars replied with a hum, rolling onto his side to look at John through the tinted sunglasses he wore. John hummed and shrugged in response to the charming boy in front of him.

"Just this, that and the other thing." John said and smirked when he saw Mars' fake an offended gasp.

"That's my thing prick!" Mars stats, faux anger lisping his voice, or it could just be the tongue piercing he recently got as a birthday gift to himself.

"Well, you snooze you lose I guess." John says with a smirk, knowing damn well where this will lead. Just as he expected, he got a playfully angry Mars tackling him from his place on the ground. John liked their little play fights, he found them amusing and he knew Mars did too. This large, beaming smile is what he was met with when he opened his eyes to look above him, and stars, was it breath taking to see the boy above him. John shifted a bit, ever so slightly aroused at how the pale thighs covered in the fabric of the sweats Mars wore straddling his hips. Along with the way the ass he so wanted to just smack every time he walked past was sitting just above his groin, almost teasing him with the sudden thought of it going lower to gri-

"John!" Mars shouted, shaking said mans shoulders slightly with a concerned look edging its way onto his face. "John, you good?" Mars asked again. John, blinked again and mentally cursed himself for allowing his mind to drift so far away so easily before looking into Mars' eyes with a half-hearted smile.

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