Chapter 1 : The Meet

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The headquarters buzzed with the energy of a new day as agents bustled about, preparing for their assignments. Among them was Min Yoongi, a seasoned detective known for his sharp wit and no-nonsense attitude. As he made his way through the crowded halls, his eyes caught sight of a new face – Y/N, a fresh recruit to the department.

Yoongi watched as Y/N nervously navigated through the sea of agents, her eyes darting around as if searching for a lifeline. He couldn't help but notice her uncertainty, a stark contrast to his own confidence. Yet, there was something about her that intrigued him.

The morning passed in a blur of paperwork and briefings until finally, it was time for the group meeting. Yoongi and Y/N found themselves sitting on opposite ends of the room, their gazes never quite meeting.

As the meeting progressed,
assignments were doled
out to the new recruits.
Yoongi listened with disinterest,
his mind already occupied
with more pressing matters.
Y/N, on the other hand,
hung on every word,
eager to prove herself
in her new role.

When the meeting finally
came to an end,
Yoongi rose from his seat
and made his way towards
the exit, eager to escape the
confines of the crowded room.
But before he could leave,
a voice called out to him.

"Yoongi," it said, and he
turned to see Y/N standing
before him, a look of
determination on her face.
"I believe I've been assigned
as your assistant agent."

Yoongi's eyebrows shot up
in surprise. He had been
expecting someone more
experienced, someone who
wouldn't crumble under
the pressure of the job.
Yet here stood Y/N,
determined to prove
herself despite his reservations.

He sighed, running a hand
through his hair. This was
going to be a long partnership.

"Fine," he grumbled,
begrudgingly accepting
her presence. "But don't
expect me to hold your
hand every step of the way."

Y/N simply nodded,
her eyes flashing with
determination. She may
not have been Yoongi's
first choice, but she was
determined to prove
herself worthy of the role.

And so, as they set off on
their first assignment
together, neither Yoongi
nor Y/N could have
predicted the twists
and turns that lay ahead.
But one thing was for certain
– their partnership was bound
to be anything but ordinary.

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