Only time will tell, I suppose. No use worrying about it now.

With a sigh, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, knowing that whatever Evan has planned for tomorrow night, I'll have to face it.

The next day, I get up and prepare for the date, eager to put my plan into action.

After long hours of work, I immediately go home, take a shower, and get ready.

Anticipation hangs in the air as I stand in front of the mirror, adjusting the delicate folds of the dress that clings to my figure.

The clock ticks away, each passing second heightening my nervousness.

Will my plan work?

I'm in a state of worry, wondering if it will be a success or a failure.

Evan is due to arrive soon, and I can't help but wonder what the evening holds in store for us.

As I wait, my mind wanders, contemplating the possibilities and the choices that led me to this moment. The weight of my parents' expectations and the practicality of the situation linger in the back of my mind, but so does a flicker of hope.

The doorbell rings, jolting me out of my thoughts. Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the door, my heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. I open it to find Evan standing there, his eyes meeting mine with curiosity and intrigue.

He looks dashing in his tailored suit, his presence exuding confidence and power. I can't help but let out a slight blush, feeling a slight affection. But as he gazes at me, there's a coldness in his eyes, a distance that sends a chill down my spine.

"Grace, you look... presentable," Evan says, his voice lacking warmth or enthusiasm.

I force a smile, trying to hide my disappointment. "Thank you, Evan. You look quite dashing yourself."

He nods, his eyes briefly flickering with something that resembles appreciation. "Shall we proceed?"

I nod, my heart sinking a little further. "Yes, let's go."

I enter his black luxurious car, the leather seats cool against my skin. The engine hums to life as the driver navigates through the bustling streets, the city lights flickering past in a blur. The silence between us is palpable, heavy with unspoken tension.

As we drive, I steal glances at Evan, trying to decipher the enigma that he presents. His profile is stoic, his features chiseled and unreadable. It's as if he holds the weight of the world on his shoulders, a burden that he bears with a cold indifference.

The car eventually comes to a stop in front of a lavish restaurant, its exterior illuminated by soft, golden lights. I step out, the cool evening air sending a shiver down my spine. Evan follows suit, his presence commanding attention as we make our way inside.

The interior is opulent, with plush furnishings and a warm, inviting ambiance. However, there's an eerie emptiness to the place, devoid of any other patrons. I can't help but feel a sense of unease as we're ushered to our table, the silence of the restaurant amplifying the weight of our impending conversation.

"Where are the customers?" I can't help but ask, my voice echoing slightly in the empty space.

"I reserved all the seats," Evan replies casually, his tone unaffected by the peculiar setting.

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