Dinner Conversations

Start from the beginning

Qui-Gon picks it up, revealing for a moment, his lightsaber. Anakin notices but keeps it quiet exclaims, “Whoops, I thought I had more...Make that three, I'm not hungry.“

The wind picks up suddenly and shop owners are starting to close up their shops as Jira gives them their pallies. Jira, “Gracious, my bones are aching," she looks out towards the distant desert plains,"storm's coming on, Annie. You'd better get home quick.“

Nodding Anakin turns to Qui-Gon and wonders, “Do you have shelter?”

Qui-Gon simply replies, “We'll head back to our ship.”

Anakin asks, “Is it far?”

Padme replies, “On the outskirts.”

Anakin frowns and tells the small group of outsiders, “You'll never reach the outskirts in time sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!”

The group follows Anakin as he rushes down the windy street. The wind is blowing hard as Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, and Padme follow Anakin down the street and into a slave hovel. Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, R2, and Padme enter a small living space. Anakin calls out to his mother, “Mom! Mom! I'm home.”

Jar Jar, “Dissen cozy.” Anakin's mother, Shmi Skywalker, a warm, friendly woman of forty, enters from her work area and is startled to see the room full of people. Shmi surprised exclaims, “Oh, my!! Annie, what's this?”

Anakin excitedly states leading the group into the living room of the desert hovel, “These are my friends, Mom. This is Padme, and,” he pauses looking at Jar Jar and Qui-Gon, “gee, I don't know any of your names.”

Qui-Gon smiles and introduces himself and the Gungan, “I'm Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is Jar Jar Binks." R2 lets out a little beep. Padme interrupts and finishes, "and our droid, R2-D2"

Anakin smile grows bigger as he exclaims, "I'm building a droid. You wanna see?"

Shmi turns to her son and asks, "Anakin! Why are they here?"

Anakin stands still and stares sheepishly at his mother, "A sandstorm, Mom. Listen."

The wind begins to howl outside. Qui-Gon steps in and tells Shmi, "Your son was kind enough to offer us shelter."

Anakin nods excitedly and beckens Padem with him, "Come on! Let me show you 3PO!" Anakin leads Padme into the other room. R2 follows, beeping all the way. Qui-Gon takes five small capsules from his utility belt and hands them to Shmi.

Qui-Gon tells Shmi with a small smile, "I have enough food for a meal."

Shmi gives a small smile of her own and shakes her head but takes the items anyway, "Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I'm sorry if I was abrupt. I'll never get used to Anakin's surprises."

Qui-Gon smiles grows in mention of Anakin, "He's a very special boy." Shmi looks at him as if he's discovered a secret, "Yes, I know."

Anakin shows off his droid, which is lying on his workbench. There is one eye in the head; the body, arms, and legs have no outer coverings. Anakin, "Isn't he great?! He's not finished yet." Padme smiles, "He's wonderful!"

Anakin, "You really like him? He's a protocol droid...to help Mom. Watch!" Anakin pushes a switch, and the droid sits up. Anakin rushes around, grabs an eye and puts it in one of the sockets.

The droid speaks, "How do you do, I am C-3PO, Human Cyborg Relations. How might I serve you?"

Padme tells the young boy, "He's perfect." Anakin nods and then tells the disguised Queen, "When the storm is over, you can see my racer. I'm building a Podracer!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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