History repeating itself

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Alicia drives to the apartment and stuffs the items of underwear into her purse: she'll have to buy another purse after she's done with this conversation. 

She walks into the apartment, her anger barely contained as she walks into Grace's room and packs a bag for her daughter before doing the same for Zach. Once the kids bags are by the door, she goes into her room and changes into jeans and an old t-shirt before packing up her work stuff and a bag before she hears the apartment door opening and closing. 

"Alicia?" She sighs as she picks up her things and exits her room, crashing into Peter who places his hands on her arms to stop her from falling to the floor. She jerks away from him as if he's hurt her, which he has. 

Her husband looks at her, the bags she's holding and the two near the door. "W... what's going on? Where are Zach and Grace?" He asks, Alicia only puts her bags down and walks over to where she put her purse, pulling out the bra and panties and holding them up for him to see with a disgusted curl of her lips. 

She watches Peter's face drains of colour. 

"Alicia," he begins. Alicia shakes her head as she drops the items that are hooked on her fingers on the hard wooden floor. 

"You said you wouldn't do it again." She says quietly. Peter looks like he'll pass out. "Do you know who found these here, at the apartment? Zach and Grace. Our children, your children!" She says, her voice rising. Peter opens his mouth to explain but she doesn't give him a chance to lie his way out of this one, not when the evidence is on her apartment floor. 

"Tell me who it is now!" She shouts. Peter simply stares at her. Alicia returns his his stare. Knowing she won't get a name out of her husband, she picks up her purse and walks to the door, grabbing the four bags and walks out of the door, turning her head to look at her husband one last time. 

"We're done, it's over. I'll have my lawyer send you the divorce papers, let me know when and where you've moved because you're sure as hell not staying here again." She then walks to the elevator, pretending not to hear her husband furiously calling her name over and over again.

She's done with him. 

For good. 


Everyone has moved from the conference room and into Diane's office apart from Will, Cary and Kalinda who are waiting for her in the parking garage. 

She doesn't have time to wipe the tears from her face after she's killed the engine before Will is opening her car door and helping her out of the car while Cary gets the bags with Kalinda's help. Will wraps an arm around her shoulders, leading her into the building. "Where are Zach and Grace?" She asks Will who presses the elevator button. 

"Diane has them in her office, they're watching a movie on a computer, don't worry." Her friend says. She just sighs before nodding her head and goes silent. 

The elevator doors open and the four of them step in, Will pressing the button for the 28th floor. Alicia lets out an exhausted yawn and leans heavily against Will, the events of the last hour starting to catch up with her. 

The doors open and Will leads her to Diane's office where the blonde woman and her two teenagers are on the couch watching a movie just like Will said they were. "Mom!" Grace says, getting off the couch and hugging her mother. Alicia wraps her arms around her little girl and just holds her. 

"Are you okay, Mom?" Grace asks, pulling away and taking her bag from Cary with a sad smile. Alicia sighs deeply and shrugs, an action she normally  wouldn't do, sinking into one of Diane's chairs in front of the desk. 

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