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Before they know it, it is winter in Connecticut

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Before they know it, it is winter in Connecticut. Sarah is only four weeks away from her due date, and she still hasn't heard from her husband– just his lawyer when he served her with divorce papers right in the middle of an Emily Gilmore dinner party. That was most awkward for everyone attending, especially Emily, who didn't like the public display of emotions coming from her daughter.

It's just hormones– is what she told her guests. But it was, in fact, way more than that. Matthew was ending everything that had worked so hard to build, just like that. Without an explanation or even an apology. He was starting his life over and abandoning the one they shared.

Weeks had passed since that incident, and Emily was beginning to understand her daughter a bit more with each day. If at all possible, they were growing closer. Emily thrived with her daughter at home to take care of. That's all she ever needed, to be needed.

Sarah wakes in the middle of the night, freezing cold and restless. She can't get warm or comfy no matter what she tries. She makes a decision to do something that she hasn't done in decades, and she climbs out of bed and shuffles down the hall to her parents' room.

The creaking of the door wakes Emily, and she stares at her daughter with worry. "What's wrong?" she whispers, careful not to wake Richard.

"I'm cold, can you please come and sleep with me?" she asks sweetly. It reminds Emily of when Sarah was a child, and she used to crawl into their bed in the middle of the night. She sighs, throwing off her duvet and sliding her feet into her slippers.

"Come on," she whispers, ushering Sarah out of the room and closing the door quietly. "Do you want me to make you a warm drink?" she suggests, and Sarah shakes her head, her lips in a pout.

"Can you just hold me?" she asks.

Emily doesn't know what to say. She is speechless at the suggestion that she holds her grown daughter in bed, but Sarah looks upset, so she goes along with it.

They walk into Sarah's room, and Emily shivers. "It's like an ice box in here!" she announces, and Sarah nods, climbing under her thick duvet cover.

"I know," Sarah says sadly. "I told you I was cold."

"Alright," Emily says, shaking her head and climbing into the bed with her daughter. She carefully moves Sarah's brunette curls out of her way and cuddles her from behind, her arm around her waist. "Is this good, baby girl?" she asks gently, her hand resting on her daughter's belly, and Sarah nods, linking her fingers with her mothers.

"Okay, now go to sleep," she whispers, kissing her cheek and closing her own eyes. Richard had never been a cuddler, always a roll over and face the other way kind of man. This was all new and such a strange feeling for Emily, but cuddling up to her daughter in the freezing cold room gave her the best night sleep he's probably ever had.

She only wakes when there is a knock at the door, her eyes open, and Richard is standing at the end of the bed smiling. "There you are," he whispers. "It's nearly lunchtime."

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