Valentines couldn't be better

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The snowflakes that sparkled being lit by the beams of sunshine hit the window of the chief justice's office that's the first time its snowed it quite a while Neuvilette thought to himself.

 Monsieur Neuvilette! Sedene's voice filled the quiet room: Did you see the snow this is the first Christmas where its actually snowed in more then 100 years! It gave Neuvilette a pleasant feeling seeing how exited Sedene was about the small bit of snow.

 Neuvilette its Christmas aren't you going to at least take a break? Sedene questioned regarding the stack of paper on Neuvi's desk I'm sure it's what lady Furina would want you to do as well. A small glimpse of a smile showed on Neuvilette's face thinking about how Furina would scold him for never taking a day of that is if she was still here it had been two months since Furina's departure from the Palais Mermonia and her missing presence still filled Neuvilette's heart with sadness.

 There was but one thought stuck in his head: how is Furina doing now? He wasn't sure whether Furina would be upset with him coming by uninvited or not, but then again it was Christmas and that's the holiday most known for spending time with the people you care the most about. It would definitely be a dream coming true to spend this Christmas with Furina.

 Neuvi's thinking was cut off by Sedene taking the papers of the desk telling Neuvilette he should take a few days of for Christmas since there weren't any major cases to be addressed and the business that needed to be finished could be taken care of easily without Neuvilette's help. So now there he was strolling around all the shops in Fontaine to find the perfect Christmas present for Furina but the search was to no avail since none of these items where something that would really suit Furina's style. 

Just then he noticed Chiori's fashion boutique and was reminded of the last time he met up with Furina when she also introduced him to Mademoiselle Crabaletta, Gentilhomme Usher and Surintendante Chevalmarin. He came up with the idea to commission Chiori to make matching scarfs for all of Furina's pets and her. After a talk with Chiori who got quite annoyed when Neuvilette requested for the scarfs to be done before the end of the day complaining about how he should have asked sooner and she normally would never agree to make something with such a short deadline.

 It indeed was a pretty unprepared action but eventually the scarfs got done and Neuvilette has some time left to pack the gift. The last rays of the sun reflected in the windows of the bakery Neuvilette walked by on the way to Furina's new apartment. Two gentle knocks on the door of her apartment startled Furina during her attempt to bake Christmas cookies I'm coming! She yelled washing of her hands from the cookie dough before running to the door.

 Oh monsieur Neuvilette I didn't expect you to be here but is there anything you need? No I just came by to see you. Right well please come in then Furina said while turning her flustered face away from Neuvilette. Neuvilette closed Furina's door and let himself in right when he wanted to check on how Furina was doing he saw her in the kitchen taking cookies that were burnt down completely out of the oven and putting it with about four more trays of failed attempts at baking cookies.

 Do you need any help with that? He calmly asked, It's not like I cant do it myself but fine Furina replied a bit annoyed after failing five different times. Neuvilette noticed a bit of an annoyed look on Furina's face so when he took the cookies out of the oven he grabbed the frosting to hand it over to Furina.

 You can do the frosting if you want. Uhh I think that might ruin the cookies as you can probably tell I'm not really the best cook. Then perhaps I could show you how? Neuvilette hold out his hand gesturing for Furina to take it as she puts her hand in his a bit of a blush on her cheeks. The time seems to stand still in Furina's head while Neuvilette slowly gestures her hand with the frosting making the perfect enjoyable Christmas cookies. 

Later when the moon shone silver rays of light through the windows the scenery was perfect Furina's head resting on Neuvilette's shoulder as she slept peacefully of course with her cute pets of course all wearing the matching scarfs around the two of them on the couch. Neuvilette still remembered the happy sparkle in Furina's eyes when he gave her the gift. Sleep well Furina. Neuvilette said with a soft smile putting a blanket over her and planting a kiss on her forehead before leaving. 

(again i wrote this a long time ago its probably shitty and the end is rushed i mean congratulations on staying till the end)

A perfect valentine ~Neuvifuri~Where stories live. Discover now