~✮Waking up in a new era✮~

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Airi still remembered suddenly waking up, The bright light blinding her eyes, she thought she was going in heaven because of the sudden bright light she thought she was finally entering heaven after all these centuries, but it was just the bright light from the room, she tried reaching for it but it didn't seem to do anything and eventually sat up, looking around the plain white room 


She still remembered hearing a male voice say "I see that you are finally awake, How do you feel, miss?" 


She processed his words for a moment, carefully trying to choose her words as a response, noticing that his Japanese seemed different than the one she learned but still responded with
"I feel fine, Thanks for asking." 


The male simply nodded, taking out a clipboard, silently writing some stuff down with a pen, noticing how she used old Japanese but still mostly understood what she was trying to say


Airi fidgeted with her hands a bit, not being used to being in a bed, since she slept in a futon most of the time and how things were very different during the Sengoku era, because of the Onin war 


"May I ask, How I ended up here in this.. place?" , She asked, a hint of curiosity in her tone


"Scientists found you. they took you to the lab for examination before taking you to a hospital, where you are right now." The doctor responded with, setting the clipboard and pen aside before continuing, "Now, May I have your name, please?"


Airi was quiet for a moment, trying to process his words, before responding with, "Airi, It's a pleasure to meet you."


He gave a nod and smiled a little, "It's nice to meet you, Miss Airi."


There was silence for a while, before he spoke again, "Do you have any other questions?"


"When can I go home?" Airi asked


The doctor was silent before sighing, "I don't think we can help you find a place to stay."


She raised a brow, wondering what he meant, "What do you mean by that?"


"This world isn't what it used to be, I'm afraid. We aren't the same race anymore, and I don't think anyone can help you. I'm sorry."


She didn't understand what he meant, her brows furrowed in confusion, "I'm not following.."


"We've gone through many changes since then. Our culture and traditions are different. And, well, you're probably not going to fit in." He explained, trying not to make it seem too overwhelming


She thought about his explanation for a moment, Thinking of a response while being deep in thought, being in this bright room already is making her head hurt by the second.


"I-... I don't think I get it.." She responded with, still confused and in need of answers.


"Well, how do I explain this... You're not the same species anymore. Everyone's different. The world's different. People aren't going to understand you."


She was silent, still confused. Her brows furrowed a bit, "Can't I try? Maybe they'll understand.."


"You're not going to fit in." The doctor said, sighing, "I'm sorry. But that's just how it is."


She stayed quiet, her mind processing everything he was saying, before speaking, "Alright, Can I at least try?"


He sighed and shook his head, "I'm afraid not."


She nodded, staying silent.


He left soon after, leaving her alone in her thoughts, new questions coming in her mind like "Are things still the same" or even "What year is it?", many questions came in her mind that were left un-answered because the doctor left her alone in the room.


The day went by rather quickly, and the next day came, a nurse coming into the room with a tray of food and a glass of water, placing it on the table and moving the table closer to the bed, before leaving


Airi's attention was directed towards the tray, now curious on what it was because she was used to eating on tatami floors with oizen being the "Tables" in the past and she wasn't really sure on how things worked here, she stared at it for a moment, before slowly trying to eat what was given, the flavor being unknown to her because the food she ate were very different compared to this and it wasn't until later she realized she was eating something called "Ramen", a food that was introduced during the Edo period.


Later in the afternoon, when Airi was done eating and drinking the water, another nurse came in with the tray and glass, putting them in a cart, and moving the table back, before leaving the room


It was quiet once more, Airi was left alone with her thoughts again, and she started thinking, 'Am I going to be here for long?'


She continued thinking and wondering if she was going to stay here for long, until her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock at the door, she looked towards the door, and a familiar doctor came into the room, the same one from yesterday.

"How are you doing today, Miss Airi?"


That was all she remembered from that day, It has been six years since the day she awoke, now realizing how fast time passed


Words used: 857

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