Rohini blinked awkwardly.
"Who are you? Her green flag prince charming on a white horse?", She asked in a matter of fact-ly tone.
"Eww.", He said immediately, almost repulsed, "I am Arnav Zaveri."
He dusted the collars of his shirt.
"Ex's Wedding Management Specialist."
Rohini sat back making an 'O' with her mouth.

"I have seen my ex wife marry right before my eyes-"
"And stole her engagement ring so that the marriage does not happen-"
"So what? Then I also gave it back-"
"Yeah and proceeded to purposely throw a trunk full of panner koftas and ruined the menu-"
"That was unintentional-"
"As unintentional as purposely letting two boxes full of cockroaches into their bedroom post marriage just to ruin their first night."

Arnav paused.
"Fine. I agree that was nasty.", He said giving up.
"But whatever it is.. Anupamaa deserves moral support.", He said finally.
"And you don't even know her. Literally met her once, that too where she screamed and walked off.", She said holding her head.
Arnav sighed.
"Don't remind me of what an anti climax that was. I thought she'd minimum speak for fifteen minutes. High time disappointment.", He said sitting back.

Rohini facepalmed herself.
Her friend had definitely lost his mind.


Anupamaa stood by the counter, checking on all the food.
The restaurant had been sealed, and she needed money, like all other employees - so when Shruti Ahuja herself approached her for the catering, she could not deny.

Thanks to Arnav Zaveri, she was absolutely helpless, standing at her ex husband's engagement.
Cooking had never been this painful.

Anuj had noticed her and forced a courteous smile.
The smile made her heart beat a little faster even now.
Moving on?

The guests were extremely high profiled. Rich businessmen and celebrities. Anu had been one of this elite crowd too - but now she was a nobody, standing in one corner with teary eyes and a plain saree, blue and white.
No, she had not dressed up. She was as normal as ever.
"Everything is ready.", Her workmate said.
She nodded with a forced smile, blinking off her tears.

Just then the media got hyperactive. 
Another guest was coming.
She looked towards the doorway.

Arnav Zaveri walked in. With black shades, a blue suit over a white shirt. 
The moment he walked in, his gaze fell on her.
He walked right through the media, down to her.

She looked at him awkwardly.
The cameras had followed him too.

"Someone's looking like she is sad.", He said with his charming smile.
"Thanks to you.", She said sharply, turning away.
She was relatively shorter than him. Just a little above five.
While he had a tall, six feet frame. Chiseled to perfection.

Anupamaa hated to accept it, but the man had a charismatic aura.
He was annoyingly good looking and hot. Had he not ruined her perfect life, she wouldn't mind appreciating his good looks.

He bent a little to reach her ear.
"Uff.. So hot.", He whispered.
She immediately looked at him, wide eyed.
Their faces only inches apart.
"Food, I mean.", He said with his classic smirk.

"Why are you doing this? You took the restaurant, now you are annoying me here.. I don't even know you!", She said irritably.

"It's time for a waltz!", The host announced.
Arnav edged away and walked up, right before her.
He placed his hand before her.
"A dance?", He asked with a charming smile.

She narrowed her eyes.
The cameras were still very much on them.

The reporters were already making up stories.
Why was one of the world's richest men talking to an ordinary woman?
Was this a love affair or just courtesy?
Is Mr. Zaveri really single or have the dreams of all his lovers crushed?

Anupamaa inhaled deeply.
"No. Thanks.", She said sharply.
Anuj, who had been standing afar, had noticed this interaction like everyone else in the room.
He gulped, as he watched them.

"Looks like Zaveri has a taste for ordinary women.", He heard a business associate say, amused.
Arnav hated being rejected.
"If you do not comply, with all due respect, I am not a good man.", He said, smile intact.
"You can dance with whoever you want to, Mishter Zaveri. I am not the woman for you.", She said coldly.

Arnav felt a dent on his ego.
A man with that much power, getting rejected by a woman? That too before the media?
Absolutely unacceptable.
He bent and edged closer to her ear. She could feel his breath on her neck. She tried to step back but stood frozen.
The man is upfront shameless.
How could he casually edge this close?!
He made her heart pace faster, her face felt warmer with every passing moment. She was barely breathing.

"Miss Joshi, do not challenge Arnav Zaveri. The consequences might not be good for you.", He whispered.
She heard the change in tone.
From casually flirtatious, it had shifted to icy cold.
"I am not bending before you. I don't care about the consequences.", She said immediately.

Arnav did not edge away.
"Fine.", He whispered, "Make me your villain."

She felt the touch of his hand on her bare waist. Chills ran up her spine. 
His arm was around her waist, face right above her shoulder, lips near her ear. He saw her visible discomfort and shock, but he did not edge away.

"You smell of spices. I hate the scent of them. They make me nauseous-", He whispered.
"Then just get away from me.", She said immediately, her eyes welling up with tears.
Of shock, or anguish, she did not know.
She turned to face him, as she rested her hands on his shoulder.
The intention was to push him away, yet, she was too shocked to do anything.
He was so close, and so gorgeous, that a woman of determination like her too faltered.
She did not know what to do.
Ideally she should push him away, yet his undeniable charm enchanted her into standing frozen.

"Had the scent been on someone else.. I would have.", He whispered, turning to face her.

His looked into her eyes, there was rage and there was shock. 
He somehow enjoyed it.
He loved the effect he had on her. 

"But it is you, Anupamaa Joshi.", He added. 
He edged a little closer, she gulped.
"And you are like a drug I just can't get rid of. Ever since I had laid my eyes on you, you have stuck in my head like a thorn."

Anupamaa stared at him.
The reporters were busily taking photographs.

"Now.. Care to dance? Or should I personally pull you to the dance floor.", He asked, his gaze now hovering over her lips.
Anupamaa drew in a deep breath.

She was definitely in trouble.


need your views on this! 
arnav seems to be a little too openly obsessed, isn't it? XD

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