Convicted of Five counts

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Doctor Voise had made many patients here at Leavy Hospital improve immensely just by talking with them, and now she was being given James Arden.. a troubled young man who was thrown into fire at birth. And deserved a chance at health and happiness.

James was being held in a room far from the rest of Leevys house patients, down another lonely hallway with a large metal door and the end.. and a guard posted outside that door to ensure that whatever laid behind it would not get out.

"Doctor Voise... they've sent you to talk to this bastard? Why you the renowned healer the wounded minds?"

She chuckled at his remark and stood infront of him and made intense eye contact.

"Because that bastard is broken... and he needs someone who's willing to understand what he's gone through. Now unlock the door and let me in."

The guard swallowed the lump in his throat and scanned his badge which unlocked the door, she gave him a look and walked inside the room and the door shut behind her.

The room was plain with a one window that was completely sealed over and was unbreakable, the dark hardwood floors were cold and there was two chairs in the room. One at a desk at one end of the room the other next to the door, the other side of the room had a bed the was bolted to the floor and was made with suffocation proof bedding, and on that bed sat James... atleast I think it might be.

"James... I'm doctor Voise I'm going to be your psychiatrist."

The man that was sitting on the bed slowly looked up at me.. his eyes were red and watery.

"My names is- is n-not James.. it's Jacob." He was sniffing and wiping snot and tears off of his face.

I grabbed the chair and brought it closer to the bed, which made Jacob bring his legs up to his chest. I sat the chair down about a foot and half away from the edge and sat down, crossing my legs and making myself appear comfortable and calm infront of him.

"Jacob.. do you know where you are?"

He shook his head no very fast and began to sniff again.

"You're in Leevy Hospital, you're here to get help. And I'm going to help you is that alright?"

He didn't respond to me.

"Jacob can I possibly speak with James?"

He put his legs down lowered his head and his hands gripped the bedsheets, I could hear his breathing get deeper and his crying and sniffing stopped.

"What do you want with James?" A deep voice echoed from his throat, which made me a bit nervous. But I'm not a threat to James, or any of his alters.

"Are you Flint?"

"Yes I am... who are you?!" His voice was deep and had a northern British accent.

"My name is Alexandria Voise I'm a psychiatrist." He laughed, even his laugh sounded angry and protective.

"James doesn't need no doctor.. he's got me. I can protect him."

"I know you can Flint, you've done a good job at protecting him."

Flint relaxed a bit, he wasn't as tense as when he first surfaced.

"I want you to know that I want to help James... I know that you want what's best for him, so do I."

"How do I know you're not lying like the rest of those wankers."

"Because I know that James is scared, and that he's hurting.. and I don't want him to hurt anymore Flint."

"Alrighty James.. this lady wants to talk to you."
I watched as his neck tensed and his arms came up to hug himself, the veins in his neck were prominent and he tilted his head back as Flint disappeared and James fronted.

"James... James is that you?" The tall strong built man infront of me was hunched over, hugging himself and rocking himself back in forth slightly. His brown hair was messy and his eyes were again red and teary.

"What.. what do you want with me?" His words were shaky and soft, the opposite of what Flint was.

"I wanna talk.. that's it." He shook his head no aggressively and grabbed onto his shirt tightly.

"James I know you're scared, and I know that you want all this to go away. But I can't help you unless you talk to me." He stared at me blankly

"Those five people.. are they dead." I didn't say anything and I think that answered his question.

"Oh no.. I ... we... he.. oh my god... I'm a.. murderer." I stood up from my chair and got closer to him, he was squirming and panicking. I knelt down infront of him and took his large hands into mine,

"You are not a murderer James.. that was not you it was Flint... not James." He stopped squirming and held onto my hands tighter.

"You- you.. you've been hurt before too." I looked at him confused,

"You were hurt by.. by men." I swallowed hard.

"They made you feel pain." I tried to pull my hands away but I couldn't, I could feel my heart starting to race.

"James let go.. stop." He held onto my hands tighter.

"They made you hurt everywhere didn't they?"

"James stop!" He grabbed my arms.


"They made you do bad things... horrible things.. they forced you.. they made you hate yourself!" At that moment security came rushing in, one took a syringe and pushed it into James arm. The others grabbed me and pulled me out of the room, I watched as James's eyes rolled to the back of his head and the guards lowered him into the bed. And then the door shut. All I could hear was a loud ringing.

"Doctor Voise! Can you hear me!" One of the nurses was shaking me and and yelling at me, I finally snapped back to reality.

"Yes... I can hear you." She let go of me and I started to fix my glasses and hair.

"What was that?!" I tucked my sweater back into my pants and looked at the nurse.

"I'll be back tomorrow at 7:30am to start." She looked and me shocked, I turned around and started walking back down the hall... the ringing slowly coming back and my breathing getting heavy my heart pounding out of my chest.

How did he know.

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