Part seven: Same old routine

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"Mirvna! time for breakfast!" as her mother can be heard calling for her daughter downstairs. "Yippee! what's for breakfast?" as she hugged her mother from behind and peered over the counter. "Hashbrowns and a full set of English breakfast. Go on, now, sit and I'll go pour you some orange juice." as her mother said out. "Dad, put down the newspaper and eat already. tsk tsk tsk." "Oh, my bad, darling. okay then." as her father cast away the newspaper and dug in the breakfast in front of him.

The family looked like any other family in the suburbs, and yet... they have their secrets. The young lady, of aged eighteen, Mirvna Blossomora Rigveth shall take on her throne on her eighteen birthday, which is five days from now, the future ruler of, Aletea. 

"Oh, shoot mom! hurry and drive me, I'm gonna be late! late, ahaa.. never mind, I'll take the bus! as she shoved a spoonful of toast in her mouth and left the dining table. "Oh, my dear Mirvna..." as Perseis shook her head. "I can't believe that's the future ruler of our country..." "I know, right?" as her mother shook her head knowingly, smiling.

As she got to school, she was greeted by her best friend, Ronnie and Alexis. "Sup, girl? been to anything lately, In five days from now, we'll be spending our whole summer break! Yeah!" "Whoo!" as her friend cheered on. "Hey, it's gonna be my birthday too over summer break, did'ja forget?" "Of course not, girl. we have everything planned out-" "Captain!" as the cheerleading squad comes towards her. "We will be having our competition in Manhattan, remember? so we-" "Say no more, we'll target the practice hours to be till four, sound good?" "You're the best, captain!" as they smiled towards Mirvna. Yes, they were the popular cliques in the whole school and guess who's the queen bee? Mirvna Blossomora Rigveth.

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