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[Carly and Freddie wake up in their respective beds, groggily opening their eyes to a new day.]

Carly: [Yawns] Morning, Freddie. Did you sleep well?

Freddie: [Rubbing his eyes] Yeah, I guess. Could've used another hour or two though.

Carly: Same here. I feel like I barely closed my eyes.

Freddie: Must've been that late-night brainstorming session for iCarly.

Carly: [Nods] Definitely. We've got to come up with some fresh ideas. Maybe something involving puppies?

Freddie: Puppies could work. People love cute animals.

Carly: Perfect. Let's jot that down before we forget.

Freddie: [Reaching for his phone] Got it. Anything else on your mind?

Carly: Well, there's that history assignment due next week. Have you started?

Freddie: [Sheepishly] Um, not yet. I've been a bit preoccupied.

Carly: [Teasingly] With what? Editing videos of yourself?

Freddie: [Laughs] Hey, editing is an art form! But, yeah, I should probably get started on that assignment.

Carly: We could work on it together later if you want.

Freddie: That'd be great, thanks. Hey, speaking of later, are you still up for movie night with Sam?

Carly: Of course! We'll need snacks though. Lots of snacks.

Freddie: I'll make a grocery list. Chips, popcorn, candy—

Carly: Don't forget the soda!

Freddie: Right. It's gonna be epic.

Carly: Agreed. But first, coffee?

Freddie: Definitely coffee. Let's fuel up for the day ahead.

Freddie: Hey, Carly, how's Grace doing this morning?

Carly: She's very active in there. Last night, I didn't get a lot of sleep with all her kicking and squirming.

Freddie: Wow, she's already keeping you on your toes, huh?

Carly: Definitely. It's a good reminder that she's on her way, though. I just hope she's this energetic when she's out in the world.

Freddie: I'm sure she'll keep you both busy, but it's going to be worth it.

Carly: Yeah, I can't wait to meet her. It's all starting to feel real now, you know?

Freddie: Absolutely. Grace is going to be one lucky kid to have you as her mom.

Carly: Thanks, Freddie. That means a lot.

Carly: Freddie, can I tell you something?

Freddie: Of course, Carly. What's on your mind?

Carly: I've been thinking about Grace and what a great dad you're going to be.

Freddie: [Surprised] Really? Thanks, Carly. That means a lot coming from you.

Carly: No, really. I've seen how patient and caring you are with everyone, especially with me and Sam. I know you'll be the same with Grace.

Freddie: [Smiling] Thanks, Carly. It's a bit overwhelming to think about sometimes, you know? Becoming a dad and all.

Carly: I can imagine. But I have no doubt that you'll handle it like a pro.

Freddie: [Gratefully] Thanks for saying that. I just want to be the best dad I can be for her.

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