Deal With the Devil

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Soft knocking brought the prince's attention back to the world around him. Gentle vibrations buzzed through his back, the sound perfectly in time with the faint sensation. He realized he'd fallen asleep against the door. Diavolo looked around the study groggily. Ignoring the dampness of both his sleeves and his cheeks, he pushed to his feet ever so slowly. He leaned on the door as he opened it, poking only his head through the crack.

On the other side stood Barbatos, the butler's calm demeanor wavering, a pallor having invaded his otherwise collected expression. The two sat in silence for a moment, both waiting for the other to speak. "Young lord," Barbatos began, his voice grim. "May I come in?"

Diavolo didn't answer, but stepped aside, allowing the butler into the study. He watched silently as the demon passed him and went straight toward the twin bookshelves, settling onto the chaise. He cast the prince a small smile, gesturing for the younger demon to join him. Hesitantly, he did so. Barbatos was rarely this informal with the prince, making whatever he needed to talk with him about all the more intimidating.

"You embody a strength that's hard to explain." Barbatos spoke low, staring ahead of him. "I've lived a long time, Diavolo..." The prince's head snapped to the butler, whose face was now turned to him. There was a strange sense of knowing in those indifferent eyes. "And throughout those years, across countless timelines, I've never experienced the depth of compassion I feel for you. I am thoroughly convinced that you will make an exceptional king. It will be a challenging journey, but if anyone can navigate it successfully, it's you."

The prince took some confidence from that, the demon's words held a rare sincerity that was uncharacteristic of him. "I just don't know what to do."

"You'll know."

"I'm not ready."

"You'll have to be." Barbatos stated, a solemn quiet falling between them. He breathed slowly, sorting through his words. "Your father... he doesn't hate you, you know." Diavolo turned his head to the side, allowing Barbatos to see no more than his ear. "He believes you'll grow to be a fine king. He's just...he doesn't know how to be a father."

"He could've started by staying..."

Barbatos sighed. "What he did was selfish and unwarranted. I can't justify what he's done to you or your people, but I believe his intentions weren't born of malice." The pair were silent for an unbearably long time. "Do you remember what I said when you proposed that I work for you?"

A puff of air left Diavolo's nose, a sorry attempt at a laugh. "I think you called me a spoiled and stubborn mule of a boy."

"Did I truly say that?" Barbatos' voice held a musical quality.

"You did," Diavolo nodded, letting his face tilt toward the butler again. "But I remember you told me no, too.

The butler chuckled. "You were quite persistent."

Diavolo remembered the scene like it was yesterday, though for him it really was. He'd met Barbatos at a ball, the demon an oddity amongst the boisterous crowd. It was Barbatos' honesty that initially intrigued the prince. Unlike others, he refused to walk on eggshells around the boy, not catering his words to what he thought Diavolo wanted to hear. Then, he began to tell the prince about the outside, about the world, and about the realms.

He remembered the countless hours he'd spent listening to the demon's stories. Barbatos had voiced the summons he kept sending were a hindrance to him and kept him from work. Diavolo had laughed and tilted his head with a good natured smile. The demon had shook his head and begun another story.

Then he'd asked that question. Well, it was more of a demand. "Work for me."


"Work for me," He'd grinned. "Then I don't have to keep summoning you. You'll be in the castle already."

Heavy is the Crown ~ DiavoloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora