Trolls & A Boy

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"Father, if you're referring to my scars from the last more exciting mission that happened, well I'm fine. The nurse stitched me up well, and the wounds are healing very fast! Stop worrying about it! I bet if you were talking to my brother you wouldn't even give him this lecture! You would instead applaud him for his 'hard work and fantastic work ethic!'"

"Arora, stop this nonsense! You know I treat you and your brother equally! Stop complaining and acting like a child. You are nearing your 18th birthday - you're a young adult. Time you start acting like it. Now for goodness sakes, lets focus on this mission." Clearly my father is upset, but man I'd love to punch him where it hurts. Just get one good hit. Its so unfair! He always does this. He is some sexist stupid man, yet tries to gaslight me into thinking that he isn't toxic! I'd love some better parents.

"There should be a bridge, stay away from the bridge!"

"Huh? Where is the bridge? Whats wrong with it?"

"Arora, seriously? If you're going to be the captain, and work on this mission, you have to pay attention! As I was saying, there are a lot of Ogres near there, and we don't want you to get hurt badly on this mission like you did last time."

"Fine, fine" I said. After about 20 minutes we were done going over the plan, and I was upstairs packing my bags, and saying goodbye to my family. I made my way through the village, and to the forest gates. I took my key to the gates and put it in the lock, twisted it, and opened the gates. I walked through, and closed the gates. I was only a few yards into the woods when I started to hear a low growling sound. It was a troll. They are so nasty! The trolls never bathe, never change clothes, and they have no manners! I wonder how they can all deal with each other. I have a lot of questions and curiosities, but alas, they will have to wait until later. If I am not careful, and I don't escape while I can, I am definitely going to die. And I can't risk that, because if I don't capture whatever this creature is, then everyone else in Kiaso might die too. The end to a kingdom.

 I started running as fast as I could, and never looked back. I just kept running, and running. Even when I got out of breath, I still ran. I had to get away from the troll. If theres just one in sight, theres likely a whole family or more of them near by. Even if I am going way off the path, I don't care right now. I only care about me getting away safely. I ran a few more miles, then I stopped and sat down behind a rock. I looked around to see that it was pretty dark. I needed to find shelter. There are so many creatures that come out at night, so I am never safe if I don't find a place to stay. Anything would do, really, just as long as I am safe. I decided that I should get up, before it gets pitch black. I walked around for what felt like hours hours, but I found nothing. I continued wandering about - still - nothing, until I saw a flickering light. I hid behind some trees, and peered my head around the giant oak. I then realized it was a small campfire and campsite. I slowly walked towards it, careful to not make any sound that would attract animals, then I saw someone, a boy. He looked to be about my age, with short dark black hair, green eyes, pale skin, and a devilish smile. As I was looking at him from behind the tree, I saw a sword, then I put my hand on a dagger I hid in my coat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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