Chapter 6: Thought Process

Start from the beginning

"But I'm not a mon...ster..." Then I start to think about that moment again. Dogday looked very scared and worried. Immediately it felt like I knew what he was thinking. He saw something horrible, didn't he? And... it was about me, wasn't it? He wouldn't have had that reaction if it wasn't.

His scared look feels like its burned into my mind. Maybe I really am one...

Suddenly, the decrepit one's movements are quick. He snaps his head toward another direction and in a quiet voice says, "We have a visitor."

I'm broken out of my trance and begin to look around. Someone's here? I can just barely see through the darkness, but a recognizable figure comes into view. After looking closely, all I can do is gasp.

It's the same orange-hued fur I've come to know so well. Far off into the darkness, with his back turned to us and unmoving. It's Dogday.

"It's truly no surprise," the bony creature starts. "You did bestow your gift upon him, if I'm not mistaken."

I can't believe for even a second that he's here. But more importantly, my fur stands on its ends and I scowl at the tall, purple creature instead.

"What seems to be the matter?" he questions, without looking at me.

I let out a low hiss and stand up quickly, feeling a threatening atmosphere become apparent. "Don't. Even. Think..."

"My, my," the gangly cat muses. "You are worried for him, aren't you? But why would you worry?"

"You will not lay even a single finger on him, do you understand me? You treacherous, decaying corpse," I speak low and try not to blink so I don't miss anything for even a nanosecond. "Don't even so much as look in his general direction."

"You speak as though I'm a dangerous specimen; someone who would bring harm to those in my vicinity," he barely glances at me, but keeps his focus on the distant dog who hasn't turned around.

My body shakes a little, but most entirely with a burning rage at the very idea that this thing could be a great harm to Dogday.

"Well..." the skinny cat laughs with mischievous intent. "You might finally be right after all."

In that single moment, I notice that the tall figure takes one step towards Dogday's form, his attention only on the oblivious canine.

That was enough. Enough to set me off.

I dash over in front of the cat, claws protruding from my hands as I jump and attack. Getting one good swipe across the giant one's face. I couldn't even begin to tell you how it all happened. Even I didn't have enough time to process it. It was purely instinctual.

After landing on my feet, it only takes a matter of seconds before I realize what I did. What I didn't think I'd ever do. My eyes widen, and I look down to my right hand. A thick, dark, liquid-like substance partially staining my claws and my fingers.


I didn't, did I...?

But I did. I attacked someone.

Even if it was someone like this nightmarish monstrosity before me, I still had done something I could never take back.

It's something only...

"Only a monster would do." The decrepit one finishes my train of thought.

I can only stand in silence, looking at my shaking hand.

I'm really a monster.

"Just like me. Just like you always have been."

My vision begins to blur.

A Drop of Light in the Night ( Catnap X Dogday )Where stories live. Discover now