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........((Luke's POV))
    I am currently sitting on my couch with my 3-year-old sister, Lana. She requested that a brush her hair, and I agreed, so here I am! She's a really sweet little kid. She has also requested that we watch some kind of Australian kids show about dogs who talk. I think it's called Pinkie or Greenie or something. Anyways, she really loves it.

I've just came home from a music club meeting at Hailey and Zander's house, which honestly wasn't.. great. Jake left halfway through the meeting, and I think Hailey was just too tired to deal with anything. She's basically my best friend, and even though she was insisting that she was fine, she quite obviously was not. After Jake left, Zander said something about him being a jackass, and I didn't really like that, because Jake is our friend, I tried to defend him. Zander then said that I was too quote-on-quote, "nice" to admit that Jake's an idiot. I got a bit uncomfortable after that, so I just... left. I can't really deal with conflict, I don't know.

"Lukey, can you give me pigtails?" Asks Lana, pausing her show and staring up at me with these big, puppy eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry Lana, I don't know how to do pigtails." I tell her. "Maybe you could ask Lexi to do them for you once she gets back from her friend's house?"

"No, she can't do them nice." Answers Lana. She unpauses her show.

Me and Zander have been friends since kindergarten. He was new, and looked sad, so I went up to him and befriended him. Then Zander's mom married Hailey's dad, and Hailey broke my arm— .... long story short, we've been friends since. They even introduced me to the drums!!

But in middle school, Hailey and Zander started getting bullied. Bullied as in notes in their lockers, getting made fun of in the halls, and getting shoved around a lot by other kids. It was really bad for them. And they got bullied for the stupidest reason:  because they liked music. Like, what insane person doesn't like music even a little bit? When I think about it, I don't actually know why I wasn't bullied like they were. I would get a couple of "Freak" comments a year, but like, I wasn't made fun of like they were. They didn't (and still don't) deserve to be bullied like that. I think one of the more surprising parts is that they got bullied a bit less when Zander came out as gay. It was probably because the bullies didn't want to be targeted by teachers for being "homophobic."After middle school, I think the bullying calmed down a bit. Hence the word, "bit."

High school has been okay. We met Sean in grade 9, Milly in grade 10, and then Jake this year, so that's nice. Hailey's stage fright is still pretty bad, but she seems a bit better. Maybe the worst part of this year was when some random girl from my Math class KISSED me for no reason, but I guess it helped because now I'm dating Zander (IT'S COMPLICATED). Oh, also when Milly almost got suspended for fighting. Or when I saw Daisy sobbing outside the school because her parents were angry at her again, but she made me vow not to talk about that to anyone. Poor Daisy. Apparently most of the music club members also see her sobbing in private; Especially Sean.

I am a bit tired about having to be the happy one in my friend group though, you know? Everyone else has so many struggles, and I just want to help everyone all the time. I think that's called being a people pleaser. Like when I tried to defend Jake. But now I'm pretty sure Zander is mad at me for defending Jake, so that sucks. I don't like it when he's mad at me.

Somebody knocks on the door. My first thought is 'Lexi probably forgot her keys. I'll let her in', so I get up, put the hairbrush down, walk over to the door, and open it. Lana turns up the volume on her show.

And guess what? It isn't Lexi. It's Zander.

Which you think would have been nice, but nope. I'm honestly a little bit annoyed with him. Not very, but a little bit.

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