Playing a song for the teacher

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I woke up this morning with a headache, but I have to get ready for class. I have the piano and swimming. I don't see my dad in bed. Maybe he's taking a shower or making breakfast. I fixed the bed and got ready for school. I knocked on the bathroom. " Hey Dad, are you in there," I say, then I hear my dad's voice. "I'm in the kitchen making breakfast sweetie hurry up and get ready. I'll call you when breakfast is ready," says my dad, so I grabbed some clothes, and my phone I put on a song called Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. I was singing while showering it's one of my favorite songs.
We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads
I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see
I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

After the song, I got out of the shower and dried myself. I got dressed in time for my dad to call me for breakfast. I go to the kitchen and set the table while my dad is plating the food he told me to take my medicine before eating so I went to my room and grabbed the medicine and went back to the kitchen and we began eating. After eating we got ready to go to school we arrived at the class and we had to share a piece of the assignment, the teacher told me to do fur Elise and I've been practicing I sat down on the piano bench and put on my earphones practicing more before she called me, my father was sitting next to me while I was playing the song. After practicing Mrs. Brown calls me up and I began playing Fur Elise, a video is at the top. After I was finished they all clapped my dad was crying happily. "Great job Y/N as always an A+ next person," says Mrs. Brown, or I call her Amelia and I sit down and practice another song called the entertainer it was hard for me at first but I began playing it.

There's also the easy version.

I was struggling with the entertainer I practiced many times the easy version until I could go to the advanced level it wasn't easy my dad helped me practice since he knows piano he never gave up on me and it motivated me now I can do the hard version. So I'm practicing more of the song so I don't forget my dad taps me and I take off my earphones and looked at him. "Pay attention to the others dear," says my father. "Okay Dad I will," I say focusing on the others. They all went and Amelia told us we could practice more before class ends. I continued playing the entertainer until Dad told me it was time to go I closed the piano and turned it off then fixed the seat I said goodbye to Amelia and we left for our second class which was swimming I couldn't wait I get to see my love, Mark I get dressed dad get dressed too due to my condition I have a special locker room my dad goes in with me. After getting dressed I said hi to Manny and Cecilia. I went closer to Mark he turned around and smiled at me sweetly and my heart swooned my Dad saw this and he told me not to bother him. Manny walks up to me and tells me he wants to talk to me. "Yes, Manny what is it that you need me for," I say looking at him curiously. "Y/N I know your relationship with Mark and I don't approve of it, I love your father and I hope you can be my daughter but I also am in love with you and I don't want you to belong to anyone else," says Manny kissing me passionately. "Manny you know I love you I mean I love Mark and my heart belongs to him," I say breaking the kiss. "You will be mine soon Y/N," says Manny touching me softly. "I thought you were in love with my dad," I say looking away from Manny. "I am but I also love you so if Hannibal accepts my love then you are mine forever," says Manny looking at me with lust and devotion. "If my father accepted you that will mean you are my father too," I say moving away from him. "Yes my dear but as my daughter, I can't let you stay with Mark," says Manny with a possessive glint in his eyes. "That's sick a father can't fall in love with his daughter," I say trying to get away. "I will make you mine either way I know how Hannibal feels about you dear and you should be telling him that," says Manny grabbing me and kissing me roughly. "Now go swim before I lose control and make love to you in the closet," says Manny as I go to the pool. My dad was already inside when he saw me get in. "What did Manny want to talk about?" says my dad looking at me with a dark glint in his eyes. "He said that he knows about my relationship with Mark and he doesn't approve of it," I say leaving parts of the conversation. "Oh, really why is that sweetheart," says my dad looking at me sweetly. "He said he loves you and he hopes I can be his daughter and Mark isn't for me that I should find someone better," I say looking at my dad. "Well I like Manny but it's not love he has a wife and a teenage son I don't want to break them up," says my dad looking at me sadly. "If you love Manny why don't you give it a shot we need someone since Mom died you haven't found love and happiness, you deserve it, Dad," I say kissing my dad on the cheek before swimming. I see my dad thinking for a moment then he comes to me and kisses me back on my cheek. "You are right my dear we need someone to occupy the empty space we have in our hearts you need a mother figure and maybe Manny can be that mother figure," says my dad looking at me sweetly. We continue swimming until Mark came and tell us if we were ready for our time. "We are ready Mark," says my dad looking at Mark. "You first or Y/N goes," says my love looking at both of us. "I go first then my daughter," says my dad looking at me sweetly. "Okay Hannibal whenever you are ready," says my love looking at my dad and then at me. "I'm ready Mark," says Daddy going to the wall prepared. "on your Mark get set to go, Hannibal," says my beloved winks at me. My dad goes doing his time ⏲️ 🙄 😒 while I talk to my boyfriend. "So tell me are you going to tell my dad that we are dating and that we kissed 💋 😘. "We are going to tell him but not the kissing part," says my love looking at me sweetly. "Okay, Mark we can only tell him the news," I say looking at him with love and devotion. "What are you going to talk to me about?" says my dad looking at us confused. "Oh Hannibal you are done your time is 1:45 good job Hannibal new record last time it was 1:56," says Mark looking at my dad sweetly. "Good, now what is it that you wanted to tell me?" says my dad looking at us. "Well Dad Mark and I are in love and we are dating," I say looking at Dad nicely. "Oh sweetie you have my blessing but if you hurt her then I have to break your relationship," says my dad looking at me sweetly and then at Mark seriously. "I promise not to hurt Y/N or make her cry," says Mark with a serious face. "You have my blessing now keep doing what you started," says my dad looking at me defeated. I looked at him curiously but he smiles happily at me. "Okay Y/N whenever you're ready," says Mark looking at me. "I'm ready Mark," I say smiling at him. "Okay Y/N on your mark get set go.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 19 ⏰

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