"No please! I need those! Amelia!" Schmidt cried, as the two ran to Schmidt's side of the dorm.

"Woah." Nick mumbled, entirely in awe of Amelia's presence.

"Not the shoe, please!" Schmidt shouted, as Amelia took of one of her shoes and chucked it at him. Holding the other in her hand, she chased him around the small dorm space.

"I'm sorry for being born!"

*end flashback.*

"Nice to officially meet you nick, I'm Schmidt's little sister." Amelia greeted, taking his hand with a smile.

"Yes, I've heard alot about you."

"You have?" Amelia asked, turning to Schmidt who shrugged cheekily.

"Of course I have, he never shuts up about you."

"Told you I missed you." Schmidt said, making Amelia pout at him teasingly.

"Aw, Schmidty I missed you alot too." She said, hugging him again.

"Enough to come to college with me?"

"Don't push it, Kay?" She remarked, pulling away as she pointed at him, making him chuckle.

• ✧ •

FIREBALL BY PITBULL BLARED IN THE BACKGROUND AS THE THREE TOOK SHOTS TIL THEIR HEADS EXPLODED. Schmidt had long passed out in his bedroom, it was left for just Amelia and Nick, Nick making new fruity drinks for Amelia to try.

"It's alright." Amelia responded, regardless of her words downing the entire drink.

"Just alright? I poured my blood sweat and tears into this." Nick teased, shaking his head, a beer bottle in his hand which he added to the bottle tower nick and Amelia had been building.

"Maybe it's the blood sweat and tears that make it just alright and not great." She teased, making him roll his eyes.

"Unbelievable." He grumbled, making her laugh.

"Hey, just be glad you're a law student and not a bartender."

"I don't know what the heck I'm doing in my life." He sighed, making her sigh in response.

"I don't know what I'm doing with my life either, Miller. I'm a freelance photographer who still lives with my mom." She joked, causing a nick to raise an eyebrow.


"It's a fancy word for saying unemployed. I'm nothing."

"You're not nothing Leah. Can I call you Leah?" He asked, making her smile at him.

"I think I'd be mad if you didn't."

It may be the drinks talking, but butterflies gilt her stomach when the phrase 'Leah' left his mouth.

"You're not nothing, you're something." He shook his head, sitting up to prove his point more. "Everyone's always telling you to be some kind of something but you just gotta be you. Be you Amelia." He explained.

She wasn't sure what it was, maybe the drinks, but nick had made a lot of sense. Maybe she was something, maybe she just was happy being something in Nick Millers eyes.

"That made no sense, but I got it. Thank you."

"I meant it. You're something big Leah." He explained, clinking his beer bottle against hers.

"So are you Nick."

She decided against making the 'so is Schmidt' joke, referring to her portly brother, and instead watching nick as he chuckled to himself.

"You know, no one's ever said that to me before." He said, making her smile at him.

"Well, I mean it."

"Cheers to that Leah." He said, trying to cheers her again as she smiled and held up her bottle.

"Cheers to that." She replied.

It went quiet for a second, but not the bad kind. Amelia and Nick just watched each other. They didn't know that something was changing. That they wouldn't just be distant friends, that nick was more than just Schmidt's roommate. He was nick, and he was a boy, and Amelia liked him.

"Would it be crazy if I kissed you?" He asked, catching her off guard, more so because she was thinking the same thing.

"I was hoping you would."

So he did. He pulled her in for a kiss, and it was safe to say that fit a second, Nick miller was sober.

"I'm so glad I'm drunk right now." Nick mumbled, pulling away.

"Why's that?"
"Cause sober Nick would never have the confidence to kiss someone as beautiful as you." He said, making her blush before pulling him back in.

"Just shut up and do it again."

Since that night, Nick and Amelia had been happier than anyone could be. That is until, they weren't.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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