The day Y/N was born

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Hi, my name is Y/N. I'm Dr. Lecter's daughter, I am 25 years old. Yes, I'm an adult. I was born sick, with a lot of health problems. My mother died giving birth to me after being born. The doctors had to rush me to the incubator because I wasn't breathing. My dad was worried about my health since I was having trouble breathing. The doctors told my father that I had to stay in the incubator for a while, and after a few days, I was released from the hospital, and I went home with my daddy where he fed me formula and I would always get sick as a baby my dad would rush me to the hospital and was asking the doctor's what was wrong with me they did know what was wrong with me they did some tests until they found out one of my lungs weren't working so they did surgery on me at the age of 5 and I was able to live a happy life with no complications until my daddy had to work as a surgeon in a hospital and I was with a babysitter until my dad came home late and pick me up from the babysitter her name was Susan she was nice but she was strict at the same time she one time let me starve and she would always make sandwiches or quesadillas for lunch every day I didn't know that it was making me sick until one day I threw up blood my dad was scared we were at the emergency room and they told my father I had some health problems I had stomach ulcer and I found out that I have a learning disability so I'm not not normal like other people always getting sick like the flu, tooth infection, blurry vision and now trouble breathing again I was constantly bullied at school my dad didn't want to leave my side so he quit his job and now I'm treated like a baby by my father. My dad gave me quality food because we are rich now he works as a phychairst and I'm currently at home but when my dad isn't working he is there always I'm not alone I don't have friends only one her name is BF/N my dad thinks she's annoying she talks a lot whenever she comes to my house makes dad make typical food like hamburgers, sandwiches, hot dogs,or Mexican food I have to admit that I love Mexican food my mom was Mexican so my dad knows how to make mexican food but he makes it fancy we are used to fancy eating so when my friend comes my dad has to be polite and sweet to her because she is the only friend I have I met her in college on my first day I was 18 and she was 19 we had a class together I was scared it felt like starting high school but more mature I was still a teenager and BF/N was too we were in writing class and reading it was a new language my dad was there with me he told my teacher that he has to be with me because I have health problems and the teacher was sweet and understanding she let my father be there with me and I was paying attention to the teacher when my friend interups my focus by talking to me asking me if she can come to my house I was surprised we just met and she already wanted to go to my home but I told her she can come my dad told us to later we talk and pay attention to the teacher I would never be able to focus because of my disability my brain shuts down for a certain time like an hour I can think then I lost motivation that's why my dad is in my classes with me. Now I take swimming, piano and exercise at school BF/N and I haven't talked in a while anyway I just got back from school and I'm tired I'm going to bed my dad will tell you everything.

Hannibal's POV
Hello, I'm Hannibal Lecter. I'm from Lithuania, my wife was Mexican, and she died giving birth to my daughter Y/N. My sweet angel had a lot of health problems. After the birth, she was rushed to the incubator because she had breathing problems. I was worried about my daughter's breathing. The doctors told me she had to stay in the incubator for a while, and I stayed watching my baby until she was saved to come home. I fed her the formula, and she would get sick constantly as a baby. I had to rush her to the hospital, and I told the doctors what was wrong with her, and they didn't know what was wrong with her. I was getting really worried, and the doctors did some tests, and they told me that she had problems with her lungs not working properly, so they did surgery on her at the age of 5, and she had no complications I worked as a surgeon in a hospital and had to take her to a babysitter her name was Susan but I didn't know my sweetheart was getting sick until she threw up blood and I instantly rushed her to the hospital again they told me she had stomach ulcer and learning disability she was always getting sick my poor baby. One day, she was bullied at school, and I decided to quit my job, and I didn't want to leave her side anymore. Now I'm a phychairst and taking care of Y/N. She doesn't have any friends but she met one on her first day of college at the age of 18 her name is BF/N I think she's annoying but I try to be nice to her because she's my daughter's only friend she used to come to our house and makes me make typical food like hamburgers, sandwiches, hot dogs, or Mexican food not that I don't love Mexican food or regular food but we eat fancy food or human meat not that my darling knows that it's human but when my daughter's friend comes I am polite and sweet to her. My poor Y/N now has swimming, piano, and exercise at school. I'm always there with her, and I work in the evenings, and my daughter stays at home when she is tired I stay with her whenI'm not busy, and she stays with me at work because I can't leave her alone anymore. Ever since I took care of her, I fell deeply in love with my daughter, and I don't care if it's a sin or gross. I will make her mine right now she's in her room sleeping tired from learning piano and swimming. I went to her room and went closer to her and kissed her lips passionately, and she opened her eyes. "Oh daddy, what are you doing?"says my sweetheart with a sleepy voice. I just smiled and answered my baby. "Oh baby I saw you sleeping like an angel and I gave you a little kiss but it's time to wake up from your nap you need to practice the song your teacher gave you today I will be in the kitchen making dinner while you practice okay sweetie" I say carrying my daughter in my arms to the big piano we have in the living room and sat her down on the stool. "Seriously, dad, I can walk. There is no need to carry me to the living room," says my sweet baby with an embarrassed voice. "I know, dear, but I love taking care of you, and I adore you, sweetheart," I say, giving her a kiss on her lips. " I love you too, dad," says my sweet, kissing me back. She doesn't know it isn't a father daughter kiss she's so innocent. I love her so much that I leave to make dinner, and I hear her doing the song. The teacher wants her to do good that she doesn't know about sex or sexual activities, but I have to teach her she may be curious and would look it up and will learn how then she will meet a boy and she falls in love no I can't allow that she's mine only my daughter stays with me she's dependent on me I'm her whole life we can't live without each other my baby angel, yes I know she's 25 and my daughter but to me she's my baby girl and I'm in love with her so if I have to control her then I will make her mine I will protect her from anyone who hurts her I won't allow her to date anyone but me I think this as I make dinner and here her practice she's doing well I remember her first time learning she had trouble understanding and the nice sweet teacher was patient with her now she's amazed at my daughter's improvement I'm so proud of her I'm making her favorite dish after dinner was made I went to her side. "Sweetie, dinner is ready. I made your favorite. You can put your piano book in your backpack," I say with a love sick look she said okay, Daddy, and went back to her room she came back quickly, and we ate dinner after dinner we sat in the living room watching a movie she put her arms around me while watching the movie after the movie ended she kisses my cheek and asked if she could sleep with me I told her she can I gave her favorite pj's and gave her a kiss on her lips she fell asleep after I touched her face to see if she doesn't have a fever or cold and she was cold again so I grabbed a warm blanket and wrapped it around her body I kept checking on her every minute to make sure she doesn't get sick I started to get sleepy but I don't want anything to happen to my daughter if I fall asleep but the tiredness is getting worse so I silently hope my baby doesn't have a cold or flu as I drift off to sleep next to sweetheart.

Yandere father Hannibal X Sick Dependent Adult Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now