Chapter 8

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I hear the fire alarm going off in the back ground and it's a couple minutes before Emory picks the phone back up. "Hey sorry, I burnt dinner, again." She then groans, "how does this keep happening." I laugh a bit, remembering her telling me that she couldn't cook. "No there's no fire, I just didn't pull the food out on time..... No we can't have ice cream for dinner."

"Georgie?" I ask, assuming that Aria wouldn't be asking for ice cream for dinner.

"Yeah," she then sighs, "I guess it's spaghetti-o's again." 

"I know how to cook," I say Without thinking.

"Yeah, but how does that help me?" I hear the sound of dishes being moved.

I look at the clock, "I could catch the bus over and help you make dinner, my mom took my siblings out tonight and I didn't feel like going so, I'm just home Alone right now anyways."  Ever since  I told my mother about my dad's secret family, I haven't wanted to be alone with her. I just feel so guilty Everytime I look at her. I ruined her life, and blew up her marriage, how was I supposed to face her really?

Emorys quiet for a moment, thinking before finally agreeing. "Okay yeah, when do you think you'll be here?"

I look at the clock on my phone. "The bus runs in the next fifteen minutes or I could get a Uber, but either should take about twenty to thirty minutes."

"Alright, I'll clean this up and make Georgie a snack, by then you should be here." She says and I hear a slight cheer from Georgie in the back ground.

It doesn't take long for me to get a ride, and it's about a ten minute drive so I get there around the time I predicted.  When she opens the door I take in her appearance. Her hair is all over the place and she has a huge red stain on her shirt and what I think is vomit. "Um?....."

She rolls her eyes. "Turns out Georgie is allergic to cherry kool-aid. He drank half a glass and then threw up all over me." She steps aside for me to come in. Georgie is on the couch eating Cheetos, he turns around to face me and I slightly cringe as I see his orange fingers leave a stain on the back of their white couch. Mr and Mrs Jacobs aren't going to be too happy about that later.

"Will you watch him while I go change, don't worry I already cleaned everything up, all is left is, " she gestures to her self, "well me."

"Yeah, we should be fine," I tell her and she smiles greatfully before turning and heading upstairs. With her no longer in the room I turn to look at Georgie again who smiles when I do. "So your allergic to cherry kool-aid?"

He nods "yep, all official cherry, I forgot."

I refrain from laughing a bit, "I think you mean artificial."

His eye brows scrunch up in confusion, "yeah, all official."

I let it go, coming around to sit on the couch with him. "So what are you watching?"

Her turns around, bouncing on the couch as  he does. "Box tolls, it's my favorite" he then holds his bowl of Cheetos out to me, but I shake my head and he takes it back. "have you seen it?"

"Yeah, my brother's and sister like it," I tell him and he nods.

"My mommy normally watches with me, but she's been really tired, and sad." He says, and I think back to years ago, when Aria essentially told me the same thing, we were nine back then. It must have been hard for her, she was all alone, at least now, Georgie has Emory and her.

Once Again जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें