A New Era.

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The prince of creature, Umi, half creature half human, has now one last thing to do : Wake up all the creatures, wake up his kingdom and declare peace between humans and creatures.

The prince slowly walks towards the central base, head down, breathing heavily, his pace slow and wobbly as he's exhausted and completely drained. But that light and power inside of him is keeping him awake, alive.
A small part of the civilization, who slowly came back in the city to help the soldiers and the others, is watching the prince slowly walking through the streets. They don't dare to approach him, but all eyes are on him, staring, waiting for any action or for any word.

Once Umi arrives in front of the central base, he slowly raises his head to look at what's left of the base. He walks through the gates, searching for Lucio.
On his side, Lucio and Haku had just woken from their unconscious state, confused on what happened. Haku immediately notices that Umi isn't in his bed any more. But the doctor didn't have time to react as Umi enters the laboratory, still breathing heavily, being exhausted. Lucio and Haku immediately rush to him, helping him stand up.

Haku : "Umi ! Where did you go ? What happened ? Let me check your vitals please.''

Umi : "No...I'm alright. Just very exhausted. But I need to do something before I rest..Lucio, I need you to accompany me. To declare peace between our worlds..''

Lucio understands, as he nods at Umi's request. He helps Umi, by supporting his weight on one side as he lets him lean on him. Umi walks outside of the base with the help of Lucio.

Once outside, everyone, soldiers and civilians who were in the city, are in front of the gates of the central base, waiting for any speech or decisions. They're all holding back their breath, as they all stare at the Prince and the chief of the city.

Lucio : ''Soldiers, commanders, and civilians. It has been declared by the prince of creatures, Umi,  that the war is over. I also declare on my side that the war is over. The final battle brought us the death of many, but most importantly, the death of The Queen. Which means that now, the world of creatures and the creatures are ruled by the prince Umi. And so the next step to follow, would be to declare the return of peace between the world of Humans, and the world of Creatures. That is why, I ask you prince Umi, that our fights and battles shall forever end, and let peace enter between our races and worlds. The decision is now yours prince Umi.''

All eyes go on Umi now, as they all wait for a positive answer from the prince. Hoping to have a future of peace with no more battles or fights.
Umi takes a deep breath as he forces himself to stand up straight and put his exhaustion aside.

Umi : ''I, prince Umi, the new and future ruler of the world of Creatures, declare that no creatures will never attack your world or your people ever again. My world, will cohabitate with your world, in peace and harmony. No more battles. No more fights. No more hate between Humans and Creatures. I declare peace between both worlds from now on.''

With a nod from Lucio and Umi, the chief and prince both shake hands, both agreeing on bringing peace between the two worlds again. To that official agreement, all the soldiers and civilians scream in joy, cheering, crying, hugging each other, as peace is finally returning after almost 15 years of war.
To that Umi takes all the strength left in his body to do the last thing he has to do. He uses his new powers as two pairs of big white wings appear in his back. With those temporary wings he quickly flies up in the sky, his chest and eyes glowing brighter now, as he uses the magic that he just acquired from his mother. Thanks to that new magic, his magic, energy, and strength, spread all over the city, enough to reach all creatures still alive around the city, slowly waking them up, bringing consciousness back in their system.
Which means that on her side, Innaya is slowly waking up too, conscious again.

After using his last strength, Umi's wings disappear, which makes him fall down towards the ground again. To his surprise, everyone is trying to catch him, many hands towards the sky to catch him from his fall.
But Lucio was the one catching him in time before he could hit the ground.

Lucio : "The prince needs medical assistance now. To anyone who can help our doctor Haku with the victims who still need to be healed, please follow me to the laboratory.''

With that Lucio rushes back inside the central base to bring Umi back to Haku so he can check is vitals and to make him rest. A few people follow Lucio to help him and Haku heal the victims.

On the creature's side, they obediently stay in the forest outside the city, as they're all too exhausted to do anything anyway. Plus, they all unconsciously heard Umi's words  about the declaration of peace. So they stay in the forest, finally resting, obeying their new ruler.

Soon, in a few days or even weeks, most people will be back on their feet, healed and safe. The city will need reparations. The soldiers will go to other cities to spread the news about the peace between the two worlds. The dead soldiers will be buried and honored with respect. Some people will get married and probably have a family in the future. Umi will be crowned king of the creature's world. A new life awaits everyone now. Only the peaceful future will tell what will happen now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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