"Suddenly A Weird Monster Like Creature Erupted from the Bush.....And Pounced right at Micheal with Razor sharp Claws..."



"Michael Yelled, Throwing His Golden Cross At That......Thing's.....Face?....And It Screeched In pain...Before Looking At Micheal....Half Of It's Face Being Burned Out.....And It Pounced right at Him.....yet again...."


"Luckily....Micheal Managed to Just Barely Dodge that Thing's Pounce as it Yelled...at the Cost Of a Minor Wound to His Shoulder....He Groaned slightly.....But He Knew he Couldn't just sit there or else he would be this thing's Next Dinner....or whatever this thing wanted to do with Him...but that didn't Matter....this thing Went All Out and Charged at Micheal With its Claws....."

'A-Agh!....You......B-By the Lord's Name...'

"Michael Said Managing to Slip Pass Yet Another Pounce from this Creature.....And Grabbing His Golden cross...."

'I shall Send You....Back Into the fiery Depths from where You Came...'

"He said Before he Stood Up and Held His Golden Cross Right at the Creature's Face....It's Light Shining Against its Eyes....as he Chanted a Prayer..."

'Pater Noster,
qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,'


"Michael Began....Hurting the Creature Greatly And Causing It to Screech In pain Yet again...Before It Scratched His Chest.....Causing a Wound....Despite The Pain and Bleeding... Michael Managed to take advantage of the Creature's Own Pain...and By Using Some of His Own Blood...He Covered the Creature's Eyes With it...Blinding it Temporarily..."


"The creature Yelled Yet again.....This time Slashing at Anything And Everything it Could Connect with Despite it's Face being Practically Burned Off.....But After a Moment...a Fatal Moment As it Stopped To Get Stamina back.....Michael Managed to Jump Behind this Creature....Wrapping His Cross Pendant around its neck...and Chanting..."

'et dimitte nobis debita nostra Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo!'


"The Creature yelled One More time Before it's Head Burned From The Holy Energy....And It's Entire Body Bursting Into Blood....Leaving Michael Standing....And Drenched in Blood....And With a Gasp....He Said..."


"And Just Like that....He fell to the Ground....On His Knees....He Took down....That.....Thing......But needless to say.....It Put Up one Hell Of a Fight Before he Finally took it down...."


"With His Body Exhausted...He Couldn't Even Stand Up.....and His Body Getting More Heavier....Michael Leaned against a Tree...and Looked Over his Watch....1:00 AM....And with a Slight Smile...Closed his eyes.....Falling asleep.....And Just Glad That....For yet...another Day.....the Sun....would Greet Him Once More.."

"To be continued" - 'it seems like Micheal would just bleed out in the forest...But...let's just say....His Faith in God Would Not Let Him Die And Go Out, Such a Pitiful Death...'

Words: 911

His Faith.....Chapter 1....Where stories live. Discover now