Chapter 3: Week 1/Week 2

Start from the beginning

Chad: Well after you left school was weird for a while Francis Teddy and Dee Dee I guess finally realized you were gone and when they came to me to ask where you were I told them everything

Chad: After that they been in a sad state and  I think they feel sorry but theirs the ones who didn't really want to hangout with you anymore

Chad: Jenny and Artur also came up to me and ask they see sad but I told them if you want they can talk to you if you want

Nate: I'm ok with that

Chad: Alright also Randy ask too which surprise me but he see worry when he ask where you were

Nate: I'm ok with talking to him as well I said goodbye to him before I left

Chad: Oh ok

For the rest of the day Nate and Chad talk and catch up with each other, Soon night came and both said goodbye to each other as they both had school tomorrow.

Nate when to bed happy to had talk to his friend.
Week 2

It been a few days and Nate decided to finally teach himself how to cook, he ask April if she could get him a cooking book so he can bring it with him on his journey.

Right now he in his kitchen trying to make soup which is going well, Fennekin is sitting next to him on a chair watching.

Nate: Now I need to cut the carrot and put a tiny bit of pepper in the soup

Nate grab the carrot and started to cut it as he read the instructions, while Nate wasn't looking Fennekin managed to grab and eat a piece of carrot which wasn't the best but he still eat it.

Nate then put some pepper in the soup and started to mix it with a mixing spoon.

Nate: One this is done I'm gonna give some to Antoine and Jade and if they like it I'll give some to you and I'll eat some it can be are dinner for today

Soon Nate was done and grab two bowls and put some of the soup in the bowls, He then walk out of his room with Fennekin following him and when to Antoine room first.

He opened the door and walk in, Antoine was laying down on his bed playing with a Gameboy and Chespin was laying down with him taking a nap, Antoine look up from his game and smile when he see Nate.

Antoine: Hey Nate! What up?

Nate: Nothing much wanted to ask if you like to try some of the soup I make

Antoine: I didn't know you could cook

Nate: I'm actually started to learn since I'll be camping and I need to know if I doing good

Antoine: Sure

Antoine got up and grab one of the bowl and take a sip, for a moment Nate thought he didn't like it but Antoine then started to eat the whole thing fast soon he was done.

Antoine: That was so good! When we do leave I'm hoping to camp with you

Nate: Really! Thank for a moment I thought you didn't like it

Antoine: Nah it good hey who the other bowl for?

Nate: It for Jade I wanted to ask you both to try it

Antoine: that case I can come with you I actually wanted to ask if you wanted to play video games with me

Nate: Sure after I give Jade her bowl we can go to my room I think I had a Gameboy in my backpack

Antoine: Alright

Before Nate and Antoine left, Antoine when back for his Gameboy and pick up Chespin and decided to carry him, instead of putting him in his Pokeball.

Nate and Antoine both when to Jade room and knock.

Nate: Jade it Nate can I come in?

Jade: Ya!

Nate open the door and him and Antoine walk in, Jade was at her desk reading a book she look up at Nate and Antoine as they walk in.

Jade: Hey Nate what do you need?

Nate: I already give some to Antoine but I wanted to ask if you would want to try some of the soup I make

Jade: You can cook?

Nate: I'm learning too and Antoine see to like it so I must be good at it

Jade: Sure I haven't eaten anything today as I miss breakfast

Jade got up and walk over to Nate and grab a bowl, she started to to take a few bites and she smile.

Jade: This is really good! Do you think you can teach me to cook? I kinda forgot that we had to learn how to be independent

Antoine: Oh ya we do you think you can teach me too?

Nate: Why not besides I'm still learning so you guys can learn with me

Nate: Me and Antoine are gonna be going back to my room to play on are Gameboys do you want to come?

Jade: Ya I'll come I think I need a break anyway

After that Nate Antoine and Jade when to Nate room to hang out, both Nate and Antoine play on theirs Gameboy and Jade watch them for a while but she decided to watch some movies instead after a bit.

Later Nate give them of the soup to Fennekin and save some for tomorrow, now that Nate was able to cook a little he can start working on other stuff he haven't got a chance to use the videocamera...

Nate Team
Fennekin Gender Male
Sorry for the wait I hope you guys like this chapter, just one more chapter and then the journey begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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