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Dante woke up one morning with his friend Todd sleeping on the floor in his sleeping bag. With a deep morning voice Dante said “Guess I'll make breakfast then.” He went downstairs to the kitchen to see what he had in the fridge. “Let’s see. Eggs, Bacon, Sausage… What to cook?”

He reaches for the Bacon and Eggs when he hears footsteps above him. He thought that Todd was awake and coming to help him with breakfast, but after a minute of listening for the creak of the stairs he started to get worried so he went up to look for the source of the sounds. He narrows down the sounds to a small door with mold, cracks and some blood oozing out of it at the end of the hallway. “N-no. Not again, NOT AGAIN DAMN IT!” Dante said with fear. He ran to his friend, when he opened the door he saw a horrible sight. Todd was bleeding from his chest with a sword poking out. “TODD!” Dante yelled out with tears forming in his eyes. “NOW YOU?” He hears a voice that he remembers from long ago behind him saying “it’s all YOUR fault. Every single bit of it is your fault.” Dante looks behind him to see a dark female figure standing there. He then turns back around to see a small puppy shaped shadow with a Rose on their head laying on the bed

Dante shoots up from his bed in tears waking Todd up. “Dant! Are you ok? Had the nightmare again?” Todd asked, rubbing his eyes. Dante nods his head up and down slowly while looking at his paws. “You know it's not your fault. And I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. Here.” Todd says He sticks his paw out. “Come on Dant, let’s make some food. I know you're hungry.” Dante grabs Todd's paw and gets out of bed to get breakfast started.

As Todd gets the pans ready for breakfast Dante keeps on staring into the abyss. “C’mon man. Nothings going to happen. There’s no one coming after me. And it's not your fault.” Todd said, trying to calm Dante down. “But it is my fault, it's all my fault. I saw their future and could’ve stopped it from happening, but I didn’t. Don't forget there is a reason why I dye my fur. I am a Bloodhound that looks like a Dalmatian, a black Dalmatian with white spots. I can see people’s futures unintentionally. That’s why my name is “Dante”. And you know what that name means?” Dante said with his voice cracking due to him starting to tear up. “The name ‘Dante’ means ‘enduring’. I take in pain. The pain of knowing peoples futures, and that dream could be your future. I can’t go back to being alone. I just can’t.” Dante said while tears ran down his face. 

Todd was standing by the stove staring at his friend while Dante had a mental breakdown. Todd sighs and goes to his friend and hugs him saying “Calm down man. Hey, no ones going to hurt no one. Not you, me or anyone you know. You have my word. Now go sit on the couch and calm down while I make breakfast for us.” Dante looks at him and hugs him back, calming him down and says “Alright. Just don’t burn the biscuits again.” They laugh, then Dante goes to the couch and watches TV.

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