"Nothing. Don't look at me like that. You might thank me one day for this."

Kavya, their classmate joined them as they waited for the event to commence, "Hey Raasya, we just saw your talking to that handsome guy sitting with your family. Who is he? We've never seen him before."

"Oh he is..."

"Raasya's boyfriend." Dia jumped in before Raasya could say anything. She looked at Dia confused.

"Boyfriend? We haven't heard of him before."

"Neither have I." Raasya said grinding her teeth.

"That's because he wasn't here " Dia said, "He just came back from London. He is Tarun Uncle's son."

"You've been keeping long distance for so long?" Kavya asked

"Seems like I have." Raasya smiled awkwardly.

"Why don't you introduce him to us?"

"Yes Shona, introduce him to everyone."

"I... I think he might not be comfortable. He's always been an introvert."

"No problem, we'll just introduce ourselves and exchange greetings." Kavya said. Raasya smiled and walked hesitantly where Adyant sat. She texted Adhyant to meet her where they had met Dia. When Adhyant came, he saw her pacing around, rubbing her hands nervously, "You okay, Raasya?"

"I might not be " she replied.

"What happened?"

"I... Dia..." She took a deep breath and blurred out, "Dia introduced you to one of our batchmates as my boyfriend and now she wants to meet you but you're not my boyfriend so I don't know what to do."

".... I'm sorry, what? Boyfriend?"

"Adhyant, I am so sorry. I don't want to embarrass you but I can't even control Dia, she just spirals out sometimes and it just makes me so mad..."

"Okay, calm down. So this girl, she thinks we're together?"


"For how long?"

"I don't know, Dia made that story!"

Adhyant scratches his jaw, "Fine. Let's meet her."

"Right let's... What? How can you?"

"Raasya, the truth has to come out at sometime. Let's face it."

"No. Don't meet her. I'll handle this. You go." She held his hand, but he dragged her in the opposite direction where Dia and Kavya waited for them, "Adhyant, what are you doing?" Raasya whispered in his ear.

"Rectifying the situation."

"Are you quoting Christian Grey to me in this situation?"

Dia and Kavya looked at them with the widest smile. Raasya stood there with a faint smile accompanied by lines of tension drawing across her face. "Kavya, this is..."

"Adhyant Khurana," he extended his hand to Kavya and wrapped the other around her waist, "Raasya's boyfriend."

Raasya looked at him shockingly, did he just...

"Hi! I am Kavya. Raasya and Dia' friend. So good to see you. I see why Raasya didn't tell us about you all these years "

"Well, she's not the one to brag. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have spent all that time in London alone. She kepte going." He kissed her forehead and Raasya's eyes went wide. Raasya kept smiling. Nothing came out of her mouth. She didn't what to say or how to say?

"Well, you guys are finally together now. Must be great, right?"

"It is indeed." Adhyant replied, "I guess the event is starting now. I'll take your leave ladies. It was great meeting you Kavya."

"Same here!"

"I'll see you around." Adhyant kissed her forehead again and Raasya simply nodded her head.

"You're one lucky girl Raasya!" Kavya said and left. Dia looked at Raasya excitedly, to which she said nothing and simply marched to join the que.

One by one, the students recieved the degrees and then threw off their caps in the air. Raasya placed her degree in Abhinav's hand and noticed his proud smile, "I wouldn't have made it this far without you Papa. Thank you." He embraced his little girl as he felt immense pride in his chest looking at his little girl all grown up, "Proud of you my princess!"

"So, we finally have the heirs of our empires with us." Tarun said patting Adhyant and Raasya's backs, "We should celebrate."

"Definitely!" Abhinav chimed in.

"Congratulations Miss Kapoor. Oh sorry, girlfriend!"

Raasya laughed, "Thank you, boyfriend."

"Mind to celebrate together tonight?"


"Pick you up at seven then?"

"Oh no! I'll pick you up at seven."

Adhyant smiled at her, "Aye aye Captain!"


Adhyant heard rapid honking outside his house sharp at seven. When he came out, he was amazed to see Raasya and her ride, "Woah! Seems like Miss Shakespeare has got a new toh!" He said looking at her Jeep.

"Seems like it. You ready?"

He jumped onto the passanger seat, "As ready as I'll ever be."

Raasya turned on the engine, and Delhi appeared completely different as Raasya drove 'safely' around the city. They stopped at India with almost no visitors at that hour. She pulled out two beer bottles from the bag and gave one to Adhyant, "Enjoyed your ride Mr Khurana?"

"I sure did." They sat on the Bonet and clinged their bottles, taking in the night beauty of the city.

"I'd like to taost to your final round of studies."

"I'll take that, and to our friendship!" Raasya added, "Thank you for helping out with the whole Kavya thing today."

"You're welcome. I had fun playing your boyfriend."

"So, you really didn't have any girlfriends back in London?"


"But, how?"

"They just... We're my type."

"Or... You're not boyfriend material." Raasya teased him.

"How can you say that? It hurts."

"Well, I just..."

"Try me! You did, actually. How was it, Shona?  "

"Oh God! It sounds so cheesy now."

"I can be cheesy, I can be strong, tell me what do you want me to be?"

"I take my words back. You are boyfriend material, happy?"

"Say it like you mean it." Adhyant took the keys to their ride from her, "Or you're not driving on our way back."

"Seriously? What are we, twelve?"

"Say it Raasya!"

"I just did. Give me my..." Adhyant raised his hand so she couldn't reach, "My keys! Adhyant.."

"I'm not returning the...." They ran around chasing each other and it seemed like a good day for two people who hardly talked, to becoming great friends!


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