CAH Brozone part 9

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"O-ok, the first black card reads : What helps Bruce unwind? Let's see what you got." Branch said, silently giggling at his own cards.

"We're not even drunk and we're already giggling." Clay said, holding his head in his hand as he slid his card to Branch.

"Oh my Troll, I hate you guys. This sucks but it's hilarious." Floyd chuckled, passing his card to Branch.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Majority of these are about me, at least the ones in my hand ironically enough." JD said, grumpily handing Branch his card.

"Can't believe this is the first black card." Bruce said, rolling his eyes as he passed his card to Branch.

"Ok, let me shuffle first. What helps Bruce unwind? A well-timed fart. Very mature guys. What helps Bruce unwind? Hole 'N Fun. I mean, golf is pretty fun and relaxing so it makes sense. What helps Bruce unwind? Doin' a line of trolls. That's so fucked up. What helps Bruce unwind? Grandma's wooden spoon. That doesn't even make sense! I'm gonna go with Hole 'N Fun because I actually like golf." Branch said, placing the black card on the table.

Clay smiled smugly, snatching up the card.

"Ok, my turn. What is John Dory hiding from me? What cha hiding Johnny boy?" Bruce said, amused as he set the black card in the middle of the table.

"None of your goddamn fuckin' business." JD joked as he took a swig from his glass.

"Oh, so many good cards." Clay said, shuffling the cards in his hand before settling on one.

"I know right. It's so hard to choose." Floyd said, smiling mischievously.

"'Kay, here you go." Branch said, slamming his card down.

"Geez Branch, that was quick. Do I wanna know what you think I'm hiding from Bruce?" John Dory joked, sliding his card across the table.

"I honestly forgot what I put. Like it left my brain as soon as I set the card down." Branch chuckled softly, taking a swig from his glass.

"Mhm, sure you did." Clay said, doing an over dramatic wink before sliding his card over to Bruce.

"Once we're done, are we gonna mix the cards?" Floyd asked, setting his card down before taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, I mean unless you guys don't want to. I just figured it'd add a bit of spice to our usual game nights." Branch said, swirling the liquid in his glass.

"Of course we're going to mix the cards. Because cards like 'doin' a line of trolls' would fit perfectly into a normal game." JD said, leaning back in his chair.

"Ok, what is John Dory hiding from me? That's homophobic. I don't know how he's hiding that or why he'd be hiding that from me but ok. What is John Dory hiding from me? Macrame everything. Makes sense, not everything needs to be macramed. What is John Dory hiding from me? Glitter getting stuck in your happy trail. He would be hiding that from me, mainly because I'd make fun of him. What is John Dory hiding from me? Fluffleberry cake. That's another good contender. I'm gonna go with Fluffleberry cake because he would actually try to hide that from me." Bruce jokes, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I had Fluffleberry cake. You're right, I would hide that from you." JD said, smiling as he picked the card up off the table.

"I had macrame. Whoever had homophobia wasted it on Bruce." Branch said, shaking his head sadly.

Clay scowled as he raised his hand.

Floyd giggled as he drew the next black card.

"How did Bruce lose his virginity?" Floyd said, laughing halfway through reading the card.

"Not a goddamn word Johnathan." Bruce said sternly, glaring at John Dory.

"I wasn't gonna say anything." John defended, pouting playfully as he passed his card to Floyd.

"Mhm sure, sure you weren't." Bruce glared, having a stare off with JD as he passed his card over to Floyd.

John Dory seemed unfazed by the glare, an amused smile on his face.

"Dude, I pray that the day that you actually tell us how that happened never comes. I really don't want to know. But at the same time I'm a little curious." Clay said, putting his cards down as he rubbed his eyes.

"Same, like I'm curious but I don't wanna know." Branch said, sliding his card across the table.

Clay groaned as he handed Floyd his card.

"How did Bruce lose his virginity? JD's bottom energy. I...don't think those two things are connected. How did Bruce lose his virginity? Bruce's massive peen. I don't think that's how, it's definitely connected but probably not how. How did Bruce lose his virginity? An affair between John Dory and Kismet 's Trickee. Again, I don't know how those two things are connected.

How did Bruce lose his virginity? Floyd's tramp stamp. Oh fuck you! There's no way those two things are connected. I'm going with the massive peen, you assholes." Floyd grumbled, flicking the black card down on the table

"That was me. I think I only got that one because you guys only played cards that had nothing to do with Bruce." John Dory said, smiling as he picked up the black card.

"Damnit, I thought it'd be funny to play bottom energy." Clay pouted as he took a swig from his glass.

"I'd like to know which of you fuckers played tramp stamp." Floyd said sassily, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That was me. I was not going to be the one to win that card." Bruce said, shrugging his shoulder, not fazed by Floyd flicking him off.

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