Alcoholic Sparks?,or just Sober Thoughts (18+)

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⚠️Warning Matures Themes ,Swearing , Mindblowing Smut Scenes So if your Undersge I advise you to leave this story now while me you still can have been warned 😭⚠️ .

After dying, Adam would soon find himself in Hell and upon waking up, he could feel himself in a state of confusion. He would quickly take in his surroundings as he could notice the fact, that he was in a hotel. As he would look up at the building, he would take notice of it's lavish appearance, which immediately surprised him. The Angel would then start to get up from his seat. As he was doing so though he would notice a figure standing in front of the hotel entrance. would then fix his eyes on whoever was standing in front of the entrance as his eyes would narrow ever so slightly once he has noticed the red skinned man with horns. Upon looking over the mans appearance, Adam could now quickly recall the fact that he was one of the kings of hell; Lucifer himself. Immediately, recall the many negative encounters he has faced with Lucifer and he would let out a slight growl under his breath. However, he soon would get hold of himself again and he would look straight at Lucifer.
While looking at Lucifer, Adam would still have a certain tone of annoyance in his voice as he would speak up

"Why is it that I always have the pleasure of running into you of all fucking people. I'm starting to suspect that you're doing it on purpose..."
Lucifer would narrow his eyes as he looked back at the Angel before quickly responding in a snarky and annoyed tone
"Don't act as if you don't like the attention my dear~"

Adam would let out a low growl at hearing Lucifer's comment. Yet in a matter of just seconds, he would have managed to compose himself once again. He would then proceed to speak up again

"Fuck no! I would rather not be wasting my time talking with you. However I believe this situation calls for it."Adam said Smirking
Lucifer would raise an eyebrow as he listened to what the Angel had to say. He then would speak out once again in that snarky and annoyed tone

"Really? So what exactly is it this situation 'calls for'?"Lucifer asks Confused.
Adam quickly ignores Lucifer and heads over to the bar seeing husk, Adam would listen to the husky voice of the man behind the bar, before he would then take the glass that he was given. He would then start to slowly sip on the hard drink given by husk, finding the warmth of the liquor to quickly take effect. The Angel would still be keeping his eyes in Lucifer's direction as he would continue to take swigs of the whiskey. Adam would be letting out a low sigh that would be barely audible. However, Lucifer would still be able to hear it as he raised an eyebrow at the sign that Adam apparently has some things on his mind.
Adam would continue to silently gulp down the glass of liquor that he was given. However, he soon would hear the footsteps of Lucifer approaching the bar. This would cause Adam to now look up from his glass of liquor and look at Lucifer, who now had sat down next to him at the bar. He still would look somewhat annoyed at Lucifer.

"What do you want?"
Lucifer would then speak up in an even more annoyed tone as he rolled his eyes.
Lucifer would then speak up  again, this time with a calmer and more relaxed tone as he spoke.

"You'll be getting really drunk if you keep gulping down that drink by itself like must've had something on your mind, am I right~?"

Lucifer would then raise an eyebrow.

Lucifer would listen to Adam's short-spoken response with his eyes narrowing slightly at his dismissive tone "mm..Fuck Off!"He would then give a slight sigh with a hint of annoyance in his voice

"Why do you act as if you're too good for a simple conversation, hm~?"Lucifer Teased and slowly touches Adams shoulder.

Adam would soon feel the touch from Lucifer's hand as it would touch his shoulder, making the New Demon jolt from his seat. This was mostly due to the fact that there was a lot going on in his head right now. The alcohol, combined with the effects of being touched made him feel even more sensitive to touch than he previously was.

Lucifer would watch as Adam had jumped from the sudden touch from his hand, and the king of hell would raise an eyebrow as he would then speak

"Got quite the jump there, hm you little bitch~?"

"Don't touch me like that Asshole .." *Adam would say as he quickly looked away

Lucifer would laugh at Adam's sudden reaction. The Kings of hell's chuckle would end up making the Demon feel even more flustered as well as causing his cheeks to heat up a brighter red. Soon, Adam would try to come up with a response

Lucifer would watch as Adam would just proceed to drink more alcohol, until it soon started to noticeably have an affect on him. The King of Hell would then decide to help  him get to his room, as he began to stumble. Along the way, Lucifer would slowly help Adam get undressed, and when the time came, he would help him get into bed as well. Once the he was in bed though, Lucifer would proceed to lie down next to him.

The alcohol, which was now coursing through Adam's body in a rapid way was starting to make him feel extremely drunk. As this was happening, he would soon start to say a bunch of different random things, such as how beautiful everything was, and how he was so happy. Upon saying all of these things, Adam would let out a little drunk giggle as he then continued to talk about gay things and how he liked men, and he would do all of this while having his face be as red as a tomato.

Adam, while being very drunk, would begin to have a slight stutter as he spoke. This made his sentences become broken up for whatever reason as he spoke.


It's clear that the Adam was quite under the influence of the alcohol, as the way he spoke was quite different from his usual calm, and collected self. This of course made his stutters more noticeable whenever he talked.

Adam would then slowly move his eyes over to Lucifer who was also lying next to him. He would then give the king of hell an intoxicated gaze. This soon made a little smirk come across his face, as he started to say the following.


Adam felt hot on the inside as well as slightly flustered as he soon slowly crawled closer to the king of hell, moving until the two of them were pretty much face-to-face. This made the drunk blush that was already present on Adam's cheek grow even brighter.

Adam would start to notice that the king of Hell had started to get hard, and he definitely commented on it as well. He would soon start to smirk as he then replied back
"L-look at that~"
Lucifer Blinked and bites his lip .
" are quite flirty~"

Lucifer would then proceed to shift his body a bit closer to Adam, this was most certainly not helping his  already intoxicated state. The Kings of hell's grin would slowly begin to turn into an amused smile as he watched the fluttering eyes of the drunk Angel.

"Oh, don't be shy now..." Lucifer's voice was teasing as he leaned in closer to Adam, his hot breath tickling his ear. "I bet you're dying to know what it's like to be with someone like me, aren't you?". Lucifer would then grin as he noticed the sudden shift in Adam's voice, indicating one of a sudden increase in the Former Angel's arousal. The devil would then reply back with a more teasing and snarky remark

"Maybe I am~? And maybe I'm not~?" Adam said face all red Voice Shaking.

This would only serve to further increase Adam's blush and arousal. As this would all only continue to happen, the devil would also start to smirk as well, having a slight hint of a playful look in his eyes.*

(HOLY SHIT!- 1435 words 😮‍💨 I am tired story to leave y'all on a Cliffhanger sorry promise the next parts will be juicy 👀)

This story will Definitely be Continued.........

Mutual feelings (AdamsApple) 18+Where stories live. Discover now