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Jonah has been my biggest bully since the 3rd grade when he took my part as Romeo in Romeo and Juliet and kissed my crush.We are now in 10th grade and his brother is my best friend so I see him almost everyday and he's still my bully it's been 3 days since he last beat me up so I'm doing good. I get my regular plaid shirt with a black shirt jeans and converse and I head out the door saying good bye to my mom today we have to run the 100 yard dash and my gym class is with him. It's gym class I'm in a towel so I can put on my gym clothes I put them on and we head outside for the dash
We line up on the mark and Jonah says
"Hey let's make this interesting"
"A bet if I win you have to do whatever I want and if you win I do what ever you want"
"Deal" the only reason I agreed is because I know I'm faster then Jonah I'm so caught in my thoughts the shot for the dash to start I started late and was caught behind but I easily ran past Jonah I'm about to finish when Jonah's friend Kailen runs infront of me and trips me Jonah passes me and finishes the dash and when he's done he comes toward me and picks me up princess style I try to push away but I was to weak to move I lay my head on his shoulder and he gets me to the infirmary he lays me down in the bed and he says
"I own you now"
I scoff he looks over at me and says
"Loser" and walkes away

Me and my bestfriend Cyrus go to 7th period last period of the day
"Hey Grayson you wanna come over later" Cyrus says
"Yea of course"
7th period is almost over and Mr.k won't stop talking my friend starts counting down
"5,4,3,2,1" the bell rings
"How do you always time that perfectly"
"I'm a wizard whoooo"
I laugh
We are sitting in Cyrus's room I say
"Hey you got some snacks"
"Yea go look in the pantry"
I go down stairs and i look in the pantry
I grab some Oreos they were marked
"Jonah's do not eat!" I just grab the Oreos and try to make a run for it I make it to the stairs but Jonah is standing there he says
"Why do you have my Oreos"
"Because I'm hungry"
Jonah tackles me into the floor he pins my arms and I'm trying to fight him but after a while I just stop Jonah looks me in the eyes and leans down and kisses me I try to push him off of me and I can't Cyrus comes down stairs and says
"Jonah get off of him now"
Jonah gets off of me and flashes a grin at me
The Cyrus said
"Are you okay" he says dusting me off
"I'm fine"
I say running out of the house
I make it home I plop down onto my bed and I'm just thinking why did Jonah kiss me this guys bullied me since 3rd grade now he kisses me maybe it will all go away tomorrow I shut off my light and I yell goodnight to my parents.
To be continued......
~Hey loves I'm starting this story because I've thought of the concept enemies to lovers and I'm gonna be writing this story for a minute so please upvote this XOXO EJ~

A bully and his crushDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora