Chapter 2

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Meanwhile, in the baby room down the hall, Charlotte arrived to join Winter as the clock struck 8.

"Good morning, Winter," she smiled, stepping into the room with a practiced ease, hiding the lingering sense of melancholy that had settled over her since Mia's departure. Carly couldn't help but have noticed the subtle shift in her demeanour, her usual bubbliness dampened by unseen burdens. She understood all too well the delicate balance she'd have to maintain at work, lest her loyalties become entangled in the web of drama that had unravelled just weeks before.

"Ah, Charlotte, delightful to see you," Winter replied with a nod, already engrossed in attending to the babies. "We have Eva, Lina, and Eliza with us this morning...oh this is Alexander's mother walking through the door. Do you mind doing handover while I see to these three?'"

As Winter tended to the babies, Charlotte engaged in conversation with Alexander's mother, Mrs. Johnson, who emitted an air of refinement about her as she moved closer.

"Good morning. How is Alex today?" Charlotte inquired, her tone warm and bubbly.

Mrs. Johnson adjusted her grip on Alexander, her demeanour poised and composed. "He's a touch irritable this morning, I'm afraid. His rest was rather disturbed. However, he is otherwise in good spirits. I do have a matter I wish to discuss with you, if you have a moment."

Handing off the baby to Winter, a bottle already for his breakfast, Charlotte leaned in attentively, indicating her readiness to listen. "Of course, what is it I can help you with?"

With a slight sigh, Mrs. Johnson began, her words carefully chosen. "It pertains to Alexander and his fondness for music, particularly the works of Mozart."

Charlotte's eyebrows raised in intrigue, though she maintained her professional composure. "Mozart?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded, her tone softening with a touch of earnestness. "Indeed. I was wondering if it might be possible to incorporate some of Mozart's compositions into the nursery's daily routine. I believe it may have a soothing effect on Alexander."

Suppressing a smile at the unexpected request, Charlotte nodded gracefully. "I shall certainly take your suggestion into consideration. Thank you for bringing it to my attention."

The mother's expression softened into a grateful smile. "Thank you, Charlotte. Your willingness to accommodate is greatly appreciated."

As she departed, Charlotte turned to Winter with a subtle chuckle. "Seems we have a young aficionado of Mozart in our midst."

Winter's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Indeed, it appears so. Mozart in the nursery—it's certainly a novel concept."

As they resumed their tasks, Charlotte couldn't help but find amusement in the exchange, appreciating the touch of elegance that the request had brought to their morning routine.

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