Chapter 1 The Message

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The sunrise looked like a golden gem surrounded by light blues and orange's, the smell of honey dewdrops. Feather yawned she had stayed up all night reading about birds and other animals, Checkerspot opened the door picking up a pillow and throwing it at her, "Wake up sleepyhead, mom is making Honeydews." He said laughing, Feather took the pillow off her head getting up. She stood up stretching then walking into the hallway, the walls were in a swirly sun patterns shifting into moons as you went farther down it. Feather entered the kitchen taking some of the honeydews and walking out the door saying by to her mother, she stretched out her wings flying to the hives library.

She landed on the platform leading to the entrance of the library, Feather opened the two heavy doors leading into the library, there she saw the librarian's apprentice Kite sitting there. Kite looked up from the book he was reading and set it down waving her over, " Returning any books and is or do you need to fill your whole room with more?" He asked jokingly, she smiled, " Nope just meeting up with a friend." She said, "WHO is that a person you keep on meeting up with? Are you ever gonna give anyone a name?" He asked seeming annoyed yet curious, " Maybe someday." She said walking to the back of the library. Cleopatra was sittings, she was on a cushion looking out the huge window, Cleopatra had a small golden hoop earring and a necklace with a diamond on it she turned her head to see feather, "There you are! What took you so long?" Cleopatra said standing up, " Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night." Feather said feeling guilty, " Well next time sleep for once instead of reading." Cleopatra said smiling and taking Feathers hand sitting down.

Feather started reading with Cleopatra as they heard the doors open but ignored it. Suddenly they heard a scream, Cleopatra stood up running towards the scream as Feather setting her book down, following the princess. Feather looked at Kite he looked as if he had seen a ghost before noticing the knife inside his hand! Cleopatra gasped taking his hand, " P-princess!?" Kite yelled looking surprised to see the princess here, "Kite what happened here?" Feather asked curious of what could have caused this, " I-it was.... I don't know." His words trembling as he talked, " I think I do." A strange voice said, as a claw was shown then a snout from the shadows, " It was an assassin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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