2/ Fanmeeting pt.1

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Ahyong's pov:

I woke up at 8:00 happy remembering of my first fanmeeting.

I took a shower and wore a light yellow sweater with white trousers. I wore my favourite necklace, some rings and my white sneakers.

I went to the kitchen and made breakfast, when i finished eating, i went back to the bathroom and combed my hair and brush my teeth.

When i was done i got my bag and pack some things. I sat down on the sofa and i decided writing a comment in weverse.

~ Hi Onedoors! Today i'm going to my first fanmeeting of the boys and i'm a little nervous. What should i do?~ i wrote.

3 minutes later my phone rang.

I looked at the notification, it was from Weverse.

~ LEEHAN_HAN☆ replied to your comment~

What? He replied?! I opened it and read it.

~ Hi onedoor! Don't be nervous, try to play some games, it always help me when i'm nervous ;) ~

I screamed a little. Ok, first. I didn't think that one of them would reply me, second. It's not the first time some member reply me, i mean, Jaehyun replied me one and Woonhak twice... but i always get exited when that happens.

I looked at the clock and it was still early, so i decided to play " Hive rythm" a little.

5 minutes later my alarm sounded and i closed the game and got up from the sofa.

- it's time to go- i said to myself happy.

I took my bag and packed my phone and headphones, i put on my jacket and exited my home, i locked, of course, 'couse i don't want a stealer to breack in my house, and left.

I walked to the bus stop, yeah, bus, i don't have a car since i'm underage and my parents are in Japan doing i don't know what.

While i'm waiting to my bus i'll tell you a short storytime:

Well my father is the CEO of one of the most famous companies in the industry and my mother is a model.

I'm an only child so i'm used to be alone.

My parents took care of me when i was little, don't get me wrong, they maybe still do it....
When i was little my parents gave me the attention that all kids want and they played with me.

It was perfect until i was 10 years old, since my 10th birthday they started to leaving me, they didn't play with me or give me a little of attention, they never were home to eat....

They just... walked away from me and after my 15th birthday they disapeared, i was back home after high school when i didn't saw any of them. At first i thought " they're never here" and i hope to they come back, but they didn't. I looked for any note of them, nothing, i called them and they didn't replied, i tried to write a message but they didn't even read it.

I was sad and angry becouse they left like that, they didn't even care to tell me.

Two days later, my mother send me a picture of her instagram, it showed her with my dad and some people i didn't know, under the photo said " bussines in Japan ;)".
I asked her what was that suposed to mean and why they left suddenly without tell me, but she ignored me and left me in " seen".

So since then i live alone in Seoul and i only have 3 friends, but it's ok, it's better have trusted friends than a lot of friends but any trusted one.

- Lady! Are you going to take this bus or not?- someone said.

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