Springtide's Takeover

Start from the beginning

Magnolia: What's up?

Ren: The sky.

Susan: No, well yes, but no.

She said with fondness in her voice.

Magnolia: I'm confused.

Susan: We wanted to ask you guys for your opinion on something.

Lily: Oh?

Magnolia: What is it?

Magnolia asked, eagerly.

Susan: Follow us.

Susan and Ren fly off with the other two following from behind. We fade to the next scene where we see a clear sky, then slowly, we slide down and see Susan and Ren appear into frame. They're across from one another, floating above the ocean near Springtide's coast.

Susan: Ready Ren?

Susan shouts. Ren lifts up his arm to give a thumbs up and thus uses a ton of exertion lifting up a pool's load of water, he then flies into the middle of where he and Susan were floating and sits there.

Susan: Okay, now let it rip!

On Susan's signal Ren divides the water into droplets, and then lets them fall. As soon as he lets them go Susan speedily makes a beacon of light and has it shine through the droplets making a rainbow in the process. The two then fly down to the coast towards Magnolia and Lily.

Susan: So.. what do you think? Is it big and bright enough?

Lily: Oh, well it's definitely big, but.. it seems a little.. faded.

Susan: What?!

Susan and Ren look back at the rainbow to see for themselves and  see a big, but indeed faded rainbow.

Susan: Aw snapdragons!

Ren: At least we know how much water to use next time.

He says while patting her on the back.

Magnolia: Well, hey! Look on the bright side, not of the rainbow I mean, but of the presentation.

Lily: Oh! Yes, your presentation was great!

Magnolia: fantastic even! I would say.

Susan: Thanks guys. -Sighs- guess we better try again.

Lily: Maybe I could help, if you want, that is.

Susan: Thanks for the offer Lils, but don't you two have-

Magnolia: Oh, snapdragons! We're still on the job!

Lily: Oh dear. Mr Bramble is not gonna be happy.

Magnolia: We gotta go now! Bye Ren! Bye Susan!

Lily: Bye gu- EIIIS!

Alas, before Lily could finish, she was dragged away in a rush by Magnolia. Thus, we fade to the next scene. Now, we're within the Solar ocean, and slowly sliding into frame we begin to see, a prison. Malusa, where the wicked rest. Swimming into frame we see two unknown mermaids swimming towards the prison gates. Once they arrive at the gates they are met by two guards and as protocol they question the visitors before letting them enter.

Guard 2: What business do you have here?

Marina: We're here to visit a very important person.

Guard 1: Do you have a permit from the queen?

Marina: Uhh..

Nerissa: Ahem! Yes, we do.

The miffed mermaid hands her the "permit" to give to the guards which looks to be a clam shell.

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