Is that a dinosaur?

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"Mortal, before you pass into the afterlife you must make peace with every living thing who's life you've taken. You have as much time as you nee... Is that a dinosaur?

Bro, hold up! I've got to read your file!"

The young man in front of her started to frantically ruffle through a large dusty folder labeled with her name on it. In comparison to all the other binders standing in the shelfs around the room, hers was a lot bigger. A lot bigger. Like quadruple the size.

His brown bangs fell into his face as he quickly scanned over the pages, one by one, taking all the information about her in. All the wrong she has done. His dark wings, which were nearly the size of his body, flapped gently while he flipped through her file.

Jiu seemed to be situated in a big office-like looking room. Except everything was a lot darker. And dustier. There was barely any light making Jiu wonder how the guy in front of her even managed to read without damaging his eyesight.

I guess this is what purgatory looks like. Not bad honestly. Kind of just expected something a bit more ... fancy?

Jiu quietly leaned back in her chair, letting the guy do his thing. It took several more minutes until the guy reached close to the middle of her file and found what he was looking for.

"Yup. Definitely a dinosaur." He seemed more positively astonished by the fact than weirded out, his eyes growing slightly wider. Jiu didn't miss the little spark of excitement in them, even though it was only there for a split second.

"Oh that! I can remember it like it happened yesterday." Jiu chuckled amused at the memory, an almost nostalgic smile spreading across her face. "That was fun."


"Come on. We gotta move." Dami hushed to the six girls following closely behind her.

"Ok, bro. Chill." Yoohyeon hissed back, not in the mood to be hurried. It's too early.

"I am chill. More than chill. All I'm saying is that if we don't move now we'll def gonna be busted."

"And I appreciate that. But it is so goddamn early I -"

"Could you two stop bickering." Jiu intervened, knowing well that when these two got started they wouldn't be done anytime soon.

"Fine." Both of them sighed in unison.

"Dami is the expert in planmaking, so can we please just trust her? This vent is getting a bit too claustrophobic for my liking." Jiu pleaded.

If someone was able to make a solid plan it was Dami. She is a true mastermind.

"What exactly was the plan again?" Siyeon asked from the back, making everyone else groan.

Gahyeon, who was closest to her, punched her in the shoulder, causing Siyon to yelp in pain. "Again? How many times have we gone through the plan already?"

"Well, Step one: Wait until the museum closes, so we can break without any prying eyes."

"Step two: use the installed vent system to sneak in, which is precisely why we are crawling through this smelly, tiny ass vent right now." Sua jumped in on telling the plan, completely over the top as always.

"Step three: " Find the exhibition on world history from around 30 BC-" Yoohyeon continued.

"-and get Yoohyeon her wonky Egyptian staff thingy or whatever it is and bounce." Sua jumped in once again.

"Could you stop doing that? And it's not a wonky Egyptian staff thingy." Yoohyeon complained, overly mocking Sua's words. "It's an ancient Egyptian staff called the Heka scepter. It is also known as the pharaoh's shepherd's crook and represented kingship and control in Ancient Egypt."

Is that a dinosaur? (Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now