So Ben spent the rest of the bus ride trying to help the girl solve the cube.

'We're finally here!'      The brown haired girl shot out of her seat, scaring Ben on the way, who looked like he was half asleep. She walked over to her sister, and waited for her to finish stretching.


The other studens were either disgusted, or impressed, like Aiden.. But i think only he was impressed..  Anways-        "Alright, everyone don't go too far out, make sure to be back here at five, and if anything happens call us immediately!"      She decided not to listen anymore, and zoned out as she walked off of the bus with her group.

The group was walking on the sidewalk, trying to decide what to do first. Ben walked at the front of the group, the twins behind him with Logan, then Aiden and Ash. And at the end of the group was the youngest one, who was wearing her headphones. The streets were too loud, and she just wanted to tune it out. Walking with her head down, she didnt see one of the twins stop, and stay back as the others walked past them, he waited for the girl.

Almost bumping into the person because of not looking, she immediately stopped in her tracks and pulled her headphones off, apologizing.        "Sorry, I wasn't looking-"       She looked up, and her body relaxed. It was Tyler. The brunette raised a brow at the boy, while the others were now a good 10 feet infront of them.         "Why are you always listening to music?"        The question came too suddenly. Her mouth was agape, before she spoke.       "I'm not listening to music right now... It's just on to block out loud noises.."          The young girl then started walking again, not wanting to lose the group, and Tyler followed with his hands in his pockets.         'Was that all he wanted? Why did he even ask that-'

The two now started walking faster, trying to catch up to their group. When they finally saw them, they were already walking into a restaurant.      Looks like they didnt notice the two were gone?         

The group then ate, and went on a tour with a cart?.. too. They visited some historical places, and even got their faces painted. While her sister got music notes on her cheeks, the brunette girl had a flower at the side of her face.

"We have forty minutes left."        "Guess we should probably head back in thirty minutes then."        They all agreed on the female twins statement, before they started walking again.

"Excuse me!"

The group turned around, their gaze on a short black haired woman. The girl didnt know why, but she started feeling uncomfortable in the womans presence..        "Would you be interested in a tour of the Sorrel Weed House? A group cancelled their tour last minute and now we have some empty spots if you guys are interested?"        What?..

"Wait really?"      Taylor exclaimed as she turned to look at the group, her eyes shining with excitement.       "This place is supposed to be really haunted! We gotta go!"       Uh, no thanks missy...      She looked around to see what the group wanted. They all looked like they were in, well expect for Ash of course...

Walking into the house behind the group with her sister, she slid on her headphones.

They were everywhere. White lifeless pair of eyes looked at her from every corner of the room. It's good that she had her headphones with her...       Otherwise her ears would of had fallen down by now.

'They arent real.'

"Welcome to the Sorrel Weed House! So this is the foyer. Most everything in the house is original with the expection of the furniture and the paint on thw wall."         The strange woman explained as the group walked in. No matter how hard the girl tried not to look at the woman, somehow they always made eyecontact.          "This is the Francis Sorrel library and the man you see in this portrait is Robert E. Lee. Lee was a dear friend of Francis who visited the Sorrel House quite often. In the winter of 61-62, just before the great war, general Lee used this room as his offic. As far as spooky activity goes, this room seems to be the most calm. Not to say that there isn't any ghostly activity in here, but out of the entire house, I'd say It's milder-"


"Ah... I'm so sorry, this is my emergency phone. I have to get this."         The girl kept her eyes on the woman who started walking out.      "I'll be right back. Continue looking around if you want but don't touch anything."        And with that she walked out.

"Well, that's super professional.."      Rylee murmured as she continued looking around.       "I-I don't  think that's professional.."       Logan said as Tyler looked at the group, as if asking;    Is this kid fr?

"She was being sarcastic."


Suddenly Taylor spoke up.      "Eh an emergency is an emergency. It'll be more fun to explore on our own anyway!"      She was excited about it, and Logan was silently hiping her up in the background. Then they began exploring. They explored all kind of different rooms, and saw a lot of old looking furnitures too. Now they were walking along a long and dark hallway, as the two girls were walking at the end of the group. 

Her sister next to her stopped, and started taking her earplugs out.       "Why is she wearing earplugs?"        Tyler asked as this got Aidens attention.      "Ah! I thought they were wireless earbuds?!"        The blonde exclaimed, as she saw her sister flinch next to her from the loud yell. Seeing that the redhead wasnt going to answer, she slid down her own ones, and looked at the two boys.  "She wears them because of her sensitivity to..."      A shiver ran down her spine as she saw her sister stiffen next to her. Turning her head to where she was looking her, she saw two, lifeless white eyes looking right back at her.      "..sounds."

She shook her head as she made direct eyecontact with the black mass, trying to tell herself that its just her imagination.      "That's why she wears earplugs, and why I wear my headphones."      She tried calming herself down by not paying attention to the monster, but it was hard while its dead eyes were kept on her.        'They can't see it. They can't see it. It's only you and ash-'

"Oh, that room looks cool!"     The girl twin spoke as her eyes went to the two girls, who were standing still, skin pale.       "Are you two okay?"        As her gaze shifted to her sister, she knew that she was not able to respond right now, so she did.        "We're okay, let's continue looking around."

She thought her sister and her were able to leave without the phantom following them, but it was impossible. It was everywhere. In every dark corner, every shadow covered spot. The two girls stayed behind, but stopped when it turned awfully quiet.

The two girls stood next to eachother as they looked up at the group, who were facing them. They looked like someone who saw a ghost...

"Ash.. R-Rylee.."        the boy gulped.

"...behind you."




A/N) finally an update:,) i wont have have much time after tmr, going to school again. I was sick to thats why i had more time to write the chapters.

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