chapter 1

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Kit, Skip and Leah ran around frantically calling out his name. They searched everywhere, every tent on the carnival grounds, but they found nothing. Jason was no where to be found.

Kits heart was beating faster than she could count. People dressed in costumes kept passing them by, kit could see people dressed like all kinds of different monsters, but as hard as they tried to pick out his face from the crowd. It was no use.

Jason woke up with a pounding headache. It had been another hard night of next to no sleep. He had grown used to the lack of sleep, but that didn't make it any easier on him. Jason was a 22 year old man with horrible grades and people skills. He rubbed his hazelnut brown eyes as he slowly rose from his bed.

He looked over to see if his roommate was still asleep and he was. Gabe was a scronny 19 year old party animal. He was always out partying till ungodly hours. Gabe always tried to convince Jason to come out with him, but Jason always turned him down, he always gave an excuse like " I can't, I have a test in the morning " or " I'm studying tonight "

Eventually Gabe just gave up trying to get Jason out of the doorm. Gabe's head was fully hanging off of his bed, his band T-shirt soked in what Jason could only assume was vodka. Gabe was a chronic alcoholic, he constantly smelled like some kind of alcohol.

Jason couldn't help but feel pity for his roommate, Gabe was a very smart kid, he could be a doctor if he really wanted to, but he focused most of his time on getting wasted as hell. Jason couldn't wrap his head around why someone like Gabe would choose to waste his life like that.

Jason sighed as he slowly made his way to the closet, it was shared between both boys. Jason's side was clearly organized and he could find everything easily. Gabe's side on the other hand was messy, he had piles upon piles of clothes just lying on the floor. Jason had gotten on his back a few times to pick up after himself, but of course Gabe never did.

Jason grabbed himself a pair of boxers from one of his drawers, a nice white shirt from another and a pair of cargo pants off a hanger. He clipped his belt chain into the pocket of his pants, after he was dressed he went back to his bed in the far corner of the room.

He lay down on top of his bed putting his headphones into his ears. He began to play a playlist of relaxing music as he slowly shut his eyes.
His head hit the pillow and it felt like he was placing his head on a cloud pulled right from the sky.

Jason looked up at the poster on his walls as his eyes darted  straight to the door. He rubbed his eyes as he heard his mothers voice from down the hallway. Her voice was small and quick " p-p-please, I'll do anything! " she begged.

Jason slowly made his way down the hallway to his mother's room, to his surprise the door was already slightly opened, just enough that he could barely see inside. All he could see was his mother and some cloaked figure.

He watched in silence as the figure through a glass bottle at his mother. The bottle shattered into a thousand pieces as it ricocheted  off of the floor cutting Jason under his right eye.
The shard of glass stuck into his skin as he wobbled back in pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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