Chapter 3

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"Rin!" Bella hissed poking the sleeping form of Rin Okumura.

"Is he asleep, Grimn?" the cram school history teacher asked

"Yeah he is but I got this, please continue with your lesson sir" Bella said and the teacher nodded continuing to walk down the isles. Bella sighed picking up her hard cover dark arts grimoire and slapping him on the back of the head.

"Huh Sukiyaki! Oww" he said shooting up like memento filled soda

Bella set down her book "We are in History class, Rin sit up straight and listen for once" she hissed

"Oh yeah" Rin mumbled looking back at his book.

Bella looked behind her at Mr. Rooster head, he had been giving Rin the stink eye the whole time he was napping. What does he have against him...other then he is a constant napper, Bella thought with a sigh looking back at the book, boys are such strange creatures.


"Can anyone name the lowest level demon related to the king of rot, Astaroth," the Demonology teacher paused "Okumura!" he shouted waking him up

"Um.." Rin rubbed the back of his head "I've ah never seen one of those"

Bella sighed "Its a Coal Tar, sir. Coal Tar's are the lowest level kin of rot"

"Thank you Grimn" the teacher said continuing with the lesson

"Your such a dud, Rin, pay more attention. Coal Tar's are the little things you see flying 'round everywhere" Bella said with yet another sigh


"All right everyone I'm going to hand back your quizzes now" Yukio said in Anti-Demon Pharmacology class.

"Why do you look so chipper?" Bella asked Shiemi, who sat to her right while Rin sat to her left.

"Yeah you have a really sparkly look in your eyes" Rin said looking over at her

"Because I know I did well on the quiz"

"Oh right, you whole family works as pharmacists" Rin said nodding

"Mmmhmm! We specialize in that stuff" Shiemi chirped "This is one thing I know i'm good at!"

"Moriyama" Yukio called

"Yes sir!" Shiemi said springing up from her seat

"What do you mean by Mr.Sheronto?" Yukio asked Shiemi obviously irritated

"Um... you peel the leaves and apply it to burns."

"So your referring to aloe? And what is Mr.Homily?"

"A yellow powder used as an antiseptic."

"Ah you mean turmeric" Yukio handed Shiemi back her test which had a rather poor grade on it "I don't mind if you assign your own names to plants, but in the future please make sure to use there proper names"


"Haha you thought you had it nailed!" Rin giggled

"Okumura!" Yukio held out Rin's test

Bella sighed watching Rin walk to get his test "This will be good" she chuckled

"You're giving me an ulcer" Yukio's eyebrow twitched in irritation as Rin starred blankly at the big red 2 plastered on his test.

"Suguro" Yukio called next

"Yes sir" Suguro said standing and as he walked past Rin he grumbled "Couldn't get a two even if I tried. It's because you keep flirting with that girl, jackass"

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