Part 1: second child

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Hi im stella khan , i was born in chennai india, on may 9 2011 i was a second born i had a brother who was born on feb 4 2010, i had 2 loving parents that's what i thought in the beginning... Let it be i guess, so let me continue, from the start i was very attached to my mother , i was never attached to anyone else then my mother, me and my brother were a really a good team when we were young but not anymore i guess.. So there was a darkside that i didn't know about my father and his side of family..If u guys would like to know more let me know by leaving a message Thank you and for ur informatiom i have used my fake name because of personal issuses and
Thank you for choosing my story..

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 15 ⏰

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