chapter 6

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"You are going out after work every day nowadays. Where do you go?" Macau asked Vegas, his voice tinged with curiosity as he noticed his brother's newfound routine. Vegas, adjusting his watch with a nonchalant air, simply replied, "Just somewhere." Macau's eyes couldn't help but drift to the bruises marring Vegas's face, remnants of their father's wrath over the marriage ultimatum. Concern creased Macau's brow as he tentatively inquired, "Are you okay?" Vegas pivoted to face Macau, his expression a mix of defiance and weariness. "They don't matter to me anymore," he declared firmly, his words carrying the weight of unresolved family turmoil.

Macau didn't say anything further as Vegas announced his departure, the tension between them palpable. As Vegas made his exit, Macau trailed behind, his thoughts consumed by his brother's recent behavior. However, something caught Macau's attention, halting his steps. He veered towards the bedside table and plucked up a book that had captured his curiosity. His eyes widened in shock as he scanned the title: "Sign Language Basics." Questions raced through his mind. Why did Vegas have sign language books? Was he losing his hearing? The revelation left Macau unsettled, pondering the implications of his brother's newfound interest.

Waiting for Pete outside his shop had become a ritual for Vegas. He knew Pete closed the shop around 8 p.m., so he would wait patiently for him to emerge. Once Pete finished up, they would embark on their routine walk, sometimes engaging in conversation and other times simply relishing the comfortable silence between them. Vegas marveled at the unexpected tranquility he found in Pete's company, a sense of peace he never knew he could experience.

Vegas smiled as he watched Pete approaching, struggling with his bag straps that kept slipping from his shoulders. With a warm grin, Pete greeted Vegas, who returned the smile and stepped forward to assist him with his bag. Pete nodded gratefully, his smile widening in appreciation for the help.

Pete was about to take out his phone, their usual means of communication, but Vegas stopped him by gently holding his hand, leaving Pete puzzled. Looking at Vegas with a confused expression, Pete was surprised when Vegas smiled and conveyed, "It's not needed anymore," using sign language. Pete's eyes widened in shock at seeing Vegas using sign language, prompting Vegas to ask, "What?" using the same method.

Pete, still taken aback, shook his head slightly, unable to believe what he was witnessing. After a moment of silence,
"You learnt sign language?" he signed slowly, his eyes fixed on Vegas. Vegas nodded, a hint of nervousness tugging at the corners of his expression. He wanted to say more, to express the depth of his effort, but instead, he chuckled awkwardly and reached for his phone.

"Sorry for that," Vegas typed out quickly, his fingers moving with a hint of hesitation. "Yes, I can, but not properly. I only know a few things, but I can definitely understand you. Maybe not well, but yeah, I can," he showed the message to Pete, his eyes darting nervously between the screen and Pete's face.

As Pete read the message, a wave of emotions washed over him. It was disbelief, mingled with gratitude and a profound sense of being seen. No one had ever gone to such lengths for him before, and it stirred something deep within him. Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to spill over as he struggled to find the words to express his overwhelming feelings.

"What happened?"Vegas asked as he held Pete's shoulders gently, concern etched in his features as he watched Pete struggle with his emotions. Pete shook his head, a small, grateful smile playing on his lips as he wiped away his tears with the back of his sleeves.

"Thank you for your effort, Vegas," Pete signed, his hands moving fluidly in the air to convey his gratitude.

Vegas responded with a sheepish grin, signing back, "Sorry, I have to use the phone again." Pete chuckled softly at Vegas's apology, understanding the necessity of the communication device.

"Don't thank me," Vegas signed earnestly, his eyes conveying sincerity. "I did it because I wanted to."

Pete's tears spoke volumes, reflecting a mixture of gratitude, relief, and a hint of sadness for all the hurtful words he'd endured in the past, he had always heard people calling him dumb, idiot and many other names even his mother didn't wanted to learn sign language willingly like vegas did it was his first time someone did something for him.

As Vegas gently wiped away his tears, Pete felt a rush of emotions flood over him, knowing that someone cared enough to understand him and comfort him without judgment.

"Don't cry, smile looks better on you".Vegas' words, conveyed through sign language, carried a soothing reassurance that touched Pete's heart. The simple gesture of lifting his chin and wiping away his tears spoke volumes, reassuring Pete that he wasn't alone in his struggles.

In that moment of silent communication, Pete felt a deep sense of appreciation and admiration for Vegas. He was overwhelmed by the realization that someone had gone out of their way to learn sign language for him, offering him a lifeline of understanding and acceptance that he had never experienced before. It was a profound moment of connection, one that Pete would always cherish and hold dear in his heart.

The moment stretched between them, filled with unspoken understanding and a newfound sense of peace. For Pete, it was a revelation—a moment where he felt seen, heard, and valued in a way he had never experienced before. It was as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, replaced by a warmth and gratitude that filled his heart.

For Vegas, witnessing Pete's reaction stirred something deep within him. It was a reminder of the power of kindness and compassion, and the impact it could have on someone's life which pete taught him.
In that moment, he felt a sense of fulfillment and contentment that he hadn't known before, realizing that making someone else happy could bring him genuine joy. He only did things for himself, he never cared about someone else happiness but in his life first time he is happy to see someone else happy.

Vegas's hand remained on Pete's cheek, a gentle connection amidst the swirling emotions between them. As they exchanged smiles, Pete's expression shifted, his gaze honing in on the bruise near Vegas's eye. The smile faded from Pete's lips, replaced by concern.

"What happened?" Pete's voice was soft, filled with a blend of worry and care as his fingers brushed against the bruise, a silent reassurance that he was there for Vegas.

Pete's expression shifted from concern to a hint of frustration as he conveyed his thoughts through sign language. Vegas watched, his heart heavy with guilt, as Pete typed out his message on his phone.

"Did the family you were working for do this? That's why I told you not to mess with mafia people. You should have returned that gun that day. They hurt you for no reason," Pete's words were direct, his frustration evident in his gestures.

Vegas felt a pang of guilt as he read Pete's message. He couldn't deny the truth in Pete's accusation. Yes, it was the same family he had encountered during his "job" that had left him bruised and battered.

Vegas's jaw tightened as he struggled to find the right words to respond. How could he explain to Pete the complexities of his world, the web of obligations and loyalties that bound him to his family? How could he admit that, despite his tough exterior, he was just as vulnerable as anyone else?

"I messed up," Vegas admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I'll make it right. I promise."

The weight of his promise hung heavy in the air, a silent vow to protect Pete from the dangers that lurked in Vegas's world. But deep down, Vegas knew that keeping that promise would be the greatest challenge he had ever faced.

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