Visiting in our house.

0 0 0

Early in the morning..


Good morning mom..

Oh good morning..

We're is Sophie..

Oh she is still sleeping in her bed...


Oh dear this morning you have a letter..

A letter from who and we're is the letter now.......

In there..

Thanks mom.

From who is this don't tell me from him..

Dear hirozaki Im inviting you in my birthday and your sister to..

What the maybe my sister can go their I'm not going in the birthday full of rich people..

Suddenly someone called my name..

Sis what Is that..

From the girl I save from that earlier..

You mean that road...

Yes him..

Wow really give you a letter..


I throw the letter in her face..

Dear hirozaki Im inviting you in my birthday and your sister too..

Ahh sis she inviting me in her birthday and me too...

No thanks you can go their alone I'm not going their...

Why not..

Why that birthday full of rich people you know that..

Yeah you right..

Hey you two eat your breakfast before it get cold..

Okay mom..

Okay dear I'm going in my work know..

Bye mom..

See you later dear..

Closing the door!!...

Are you going in her birthday sis..

No I'm not thanks you but nahh..

You can go on your own by the way if you want..

Suddenly someone called in the phone..

Ring!! Ring!!..

Ha who is that...

Pick the phone Sophie..

Me yes..


Please don't be him..

Hello is this hirozaki..

No this is his little sister...

Is hirozaki is there..

Tell him I'm not her..

Sorry my sister is not her she still asleep..

Oh really okay thank you then..

Hang up the phone!!..

Wow thanks sis..

Yeah yeah..


Mmm is she playing hide an seek of me..

Driver were going to my friend house..

Yes miss..

MEANWHILE at hirozaki!..

Boring I should go to sleep for a bit sis see ya.......

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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