Chapter 28: Gotta Get Stronger!

Start from the beginning

"Listen- I don't know if I can give you full access to the library, I can give you Jonin-"

"I want to get to the very depths of the library, Including the Anbu section" I interrupted, staring at the man trying to barter a deal.

"Anbu level techniques are locked up, If you get caught I could get time for that you know" Genma looked at me like I was crazy with a raised eyebrow.

"I just won't get caught then, I'll use my super sneaky, super badass ninja powers to get in untraced" I shrugged.

'Heheh- We can do this, we're the super-est sneaky spies' Inner cackled with a large grin on her face, tapping her fingers together in a stereotypical evil manner.

Kotetsu started laughing, putting his hand on Izumo's shoulder for support as he bent over in a fit of hilarity. Izumo promptly smacked the man behind the head- a small smile struggling to make its way to his face.

"Shit kid, If you can sneak in that well you don't even need an access card. If you do this- it's on you" The brunette spoke with his hands up in defeat, a small smile pulling at his lips.

"Gasp- Are you encouraging this behaviour, what happened to being a responsible adult!" I spoke in mock shock.

The man's smile grew to a grin and he ruffled my hair before walking over to set a timer on the nearby log.

"You better have at least nicked both the terrible twins and I by the time this timer is up" He spoke, setting the timer for 30 minutes.

My smile dropped and I stared at the clock in exasperation.

'Thirty minutes? For all three of them? God I'm going to regret this later tomorrow' Inner grumbled.

I tightened my ponytail and readied myself for battle, hands at my hips ready to grab weapons.

'I mean it's only impossible until it's done' Inner shrugged, I rolled my eyes and let out a deep sigh.

"Fuck it, start the timer" I hid my slight fear and anxiety behind a sharp grin.

Before I knew it, the terrible twins had their swords drawn, in a defensive position. They knew I would attack them first since they weren't as fast or strong as Genma.

If I attacked Genma the twins could slash at my weak spots, however, if I fought the twins Genma could throw me on my ass like a five year old toddler.

'The simplest solution would be clones, you have to think about their weaknesses in terms of numbers. If you send a herd to Zumo and Tetsu, that should take a bit to run through all of them, and they're bound to be scratched at least once'.

'That would work, they are better at dealing with a small group of 4 or 5- however a group of 10 or 12 would be overwhelming. It would stretch my Chakra thin, I would need to mix clones with illusions'.

'Clones and illusions, sounds solid'

'Wait what about Genma? I could use calculated movements but then it's easier for him to guess my next step'.

I wracked my brain for ideas until the most presentable idea came to mind.

'Spam bullshit moves?'

'Spam bullshit moves' Inner grinned.

I scampered away into the nearby forest and cloaked my chakra, mimicking the flicking pattern of a nearby beetle. Coating my feet in Chakra made my footsteps silent, I made a long distance away from where I had originally gone into the forest.

'Earth style: Head Hunter Jutsu!' With that I burrowed down into the soft earth below my feet, the Jutsu making a hole for me in the ground below while simultaneously closing the hole above.

I focused on my Chakra signature as I felt around for others in the area, prodding and searching- seeing without eyes. To the north was a wild pig, my east, a bear, south, a person or two. Bingo.

'It could be a trap, don't be hasty'

I created one clone at a time and sent them above ground one at a time, mixed with illusions to fight the two people I could sense. I 'saw' with my chakra as they fought. I burst out of my hole and narrowly avoided a senbon to my arm.

"Shit" I muttered, quickly throwing three shuriken to where the senbon had come flying at me. I scanned the area quickly, looking for signs of the brunette man. I sensed my clones dying, their experiences popping up in my mind and overwhelming my senses. Izumo had been scratched on his leg, just below his knee cap, however, Kotetsu was still slicing through them.

'Shit, this ain't good'

"Where the hell are you Shiranui" I whispered as I scanned the area with my chakra, a black hole of no chakra was to the left of me. I blinked a couple times and looked around me, looking for the man.

'There! He's disguised as a part of that tree!' Inner yelled.

I attached thin chakra string to the shuriken that had been flung into the distance, dislodging them from a tree not too far away. With a flick of my finger the shurikens went flying back to where the man was hidden. I felt the black hole move behind me, before I knew it there was a senbon to my neck. I felt the cold metal press against my neck.

"Well, you might as well-" I shunshined away before my sentence ended, cutting myself off.

I palmed three seals from my pouch and slapped them on the ground around the man, with a flare of my chakra the seals lit up and formed a triangular prison around the man. It trapped him effectively, however, it made it impossible to scratch the man.

"What the shit is this kid?" Genma gawked, the senbon clenched between his teeth dropping on the ground of his confines.

"Just a little bit of... MAGIC!" I yelled at him and stuck my tongue out, running to find Kotetsu.

'Get Tetsu outta the way and then you'll be able to take Genma out without having to watch your 6'

I had found the man still battling a clone, they have caught on and dispelled the illusions sometime during the battle.

"Another one?" The ravenette man groaned, slicing the clone in the stomach. With a poof the clone disappeared, I rushed through the smoke of the clone and shifted my bodyweight to kick him in the stomach. He jumped back to avoid the kick and sliced at my leg. I brought my leg to my body and stomped on his blades when they were pointed downwards.

With the large Kunai blades lodged in the ground I got ahold of my Kunai and sliced the man in the stomach.

"HAH- TAKE THAT CROW HAIR" I yelled at Kotetsu as I sprinted off to Genma's prison. The man in question was chilling in it like his oxygen wouldn't run out in a minute or less.

"So kid, went and kicked them out huh" Genma grinned, twirling his senbon between his teeth.

"Hell right I did, my clones took out Izumo, so all I had to do was get Kotetsu. Oh and by the way your oxygen is going to run out in a minute or so." I grinned a sharp grin back at him and twirled my hair between my fingers.

Genma shot up, his head banging against the top of the small trap, the man winced and rubbed the top of his head.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"If you wanna admit defeat that would be nice" I shrugged, a cheeky grin spreading across my face.

"Well even if I did admit defeat, 30 minutes is already up" As soon as the words left his mouth, the alarm went off.

"What in the black butthole dude." I groaned, grumpily peeling the seals from the ground and burning them with a small burst of Chakra.

Genma ruffled my hair with a large grin on his face, his chocolate eyes filled with some kind of emotion, pride?

"You did well brat, one hell of a seal you made, where did you get it? That's gotta be at least an A rank! When you were gone I tried using Jutsu on it but it just flew back at me, the strength in that thing was crazy"

I smiled at the man sweetly and shrugged.

"Thanks for complimenting my seal!"

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